And @donkeypong just got me laughing my ass out with this, though not to my death lols!
Really so people have actually died from laughing? That's quite weird to begin with. I thought laughing - I mean - a good laugh is supposed to be good medicine for the body! Well, isn't that why excess is never good, no matter how well thought out that thing is. I have a friend who can laugh non stop for 30 minutes and I have actually witnessed him do so. Let's hope I see him tomorrow and maybe show him this post. He sure needs to read this!
But @donkeypong, I think it'd be much fun if we were allowed to choose our way to exit this life, to end it. Most deaths are usually unplanned - that's why statiscal data pulled off from anywhere are often messed up with silly death stories like being ran under by a donkey (!)
Thanks for educating me on this!