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RE: ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK & Getting Dumped - A [definitely drunken] rant.

in #funny8 years ago

Hey, thanks for sharing your life so openly. I think most of us have been in a similar situation. At least I know I have. Almost identical actually. He wanted to get married, buy a house and have kids. I wanted to leave everything I knew behind and move to Asia... Obviously it wasn't going to work out 😂. But like you said, it was the right decision. 4 years later, we are great friends. He has found someone that wants everything he wants, and so have I. Take the time to grieve and cuddle with your adorable pup. At the risk of sounding super cliche...there's more fish in the ocean.

I need to start watching Orange is the New Black again. I think I binge watched the whole first season...and then life happened so I haven't been able to keep watching 😤.


Thanks for the reply and the commiseration. I honestly didn't know I was going to open up so much when I started the post. Seems to be, becoming a theme. I try to sit down and watch something, and am distracted by wanting to write. And then life butts it's head in.

Totally respect the choice to pack it in and move where you want to go. Been there as well.

And YES, OISTNB has gotten really really good. Making big statements about race and the lack of privilege. Dive back in!