Some pretty vivid visuals there, boss, that are now seared into the collective imagination, foremost:
my arsehole is getting smaller while the other arseholes are getting bigger over time.
Unless you're a baboon, I'd say, smaller is better. Less clean-up work :P
But, past the jokey neologisms -- arseholenomics, suckernomics -- I hear ya, loud & clear!
Dunno if I mentioned this to you, but first time I learned of selling SP was when Jerry Banfield proposed it to me and I passed, as it seemed unsavory.
As an artist, I realized (very early on) there is not much money in poetry. But then again, there's not much poetry in money, either... As the ever-witty Dorothy Parker once quipped:
Salary is no object; I want only enough to keep body and soul apart.
I understand your exasperation with the unbecoming, greedy behavior, here, but don't think this look would suit you: