This is small talk.
btw I notice most of your drawings have been red lately. They say red's associated with anger and passion.
You been passionately angry at something?
This is small talk.
btw I notice most of your drawings have been red lately. They say red's associated with anger and passion.
You been passionately angry at something?
They say a lot of things. What they don't realize is; I like to fuck with them.
I'm not angry. I know people associate red with anger. That's how they see it though, or, they were trained to think that way. I see red clearly. It's easy for me to stare at for long periods of time because I like the color. I find it attractive. You'll see a lot of red here but might notice some of them have a similar theme. It's part of a massive project I've been working on for a long time. It would actually be lame if I produced the art then said, "Here's piece number nine of blah blah blah thing I'm working on." You wouldn't be here, following, commenting, voting if that was the approach I was to take. I'd just be another art post.
I'm actually curious about what that project is now. Are you going to make like a huge collage of all the red artwork and it'll all come together to create something?
You do make it interesting. I'm bored of seeing typical posts nowadays, with the typical "blog" format.
Especially those 'how to' articles. They always gotta blabber some unnecessary bullshit in the first paragraph. Always. Ever noticed that?
I used to like red as my favorite color, but now it's royal blue.
Yeah, I'm building something piece by piece. It'll take a long time though so there's no real point in mentioning what it is until I'm finished.
Till then we gotta play jigsaw with all the available artworks.