Man I know what contracting business can do to your schedule. No need to apologize and thanks for the awesome entertainment!
I always liked the time lapse/process videos where you get to see things come alive. I will check that out for sure.
Man I know what contracting business can do to your schedule. No need to apologize and thanks for the awesome entertainment!
I always liked the time lapse/process videos where you get to see things come alive. I will check that out for sure.
Thanks for you sir
No day is complete without thanking @zekepickleman for my posts! :D
I am your beeeeegest fan!
I'm not so sure that this time lapse will be as interesting as an art time lapse.... animation in after effects amounts to a lot of previewing and messing with key frames on the timeline... But could be interesting simply from a tech standpoint...
Yep, and I have some highly demotivational clients, along with too many household errands... Hopefully I'll get back on track though...