Well this was hilarious to say the least.
Laying a harmless trap and letting the mouse go in the end was very kind.
I saw a thing moving in the background when the cat was playing with the trap and it made me curious. What was that bluish thing?
And btw
Here is a video of our cat getting the shock of his life when she tries to get our mouse. Look at the funny jumping gesture the cat makes.
I think you should replace "his" with "her".
I think so! I agree! +1 :)
@syedumair. Thank you very much for spotting the gender mistake. Now corrected. The truth is I am never sure if it a boy or a girl.
We usually address a cat as a girl.
I don't know why but I have never seen anyone calling them a boy cat.
There's one I know of, they call her jenny🐈@syedumair yes, that so true cat's name in Nigeria are so so feminine in hearing.
The details of the contest are in the above post.If you have a funny photo or video of her, you can enter the contest by @karlin
Hahahaahahahahhaah, a male or female would do dear. Boy or girl are used for the humam race.
The bluish thing has gotten me curious 😂😂.
The poor network connection at my end has denied me in watching the the cat and the rat play.@syedumair Good day to you.
The bluish thing is a Bosch robo-mower.