After my ramblings from yesterday about slacking, I decided to slack less and start working on one of my ideas!
My latest design is called Chemistree and this is it on a basic shirt:
I've uploaded it to Redbubble, where the basic shirt is for sale for €17,50 (I'm not sure what that is in other currencies, but I'm sure you can use a converter).
This had been on my mind for a while now and I wrote it down in one of my many Notepad files to look at later. I hardly ever do, but this time, I figured why the heck not!
I had also found a link to an example, but I decided to go for a more original piece this time. I did use Pixabay images to get me started, but they have all been heavily edited to combine them to my image (These are the Pixabay images I used: 1, 2, 3).
It's a simple design, but I like it! I also made it in red and pink and I'll upload those to Redbubble soon aswell.
Of this green one, I also like the female tanktop:
Though there's a regular shirt aswell.
I also made a bag, which I thought was kinda fun!
You can fit your chemistry notebook in there!
See what I did there?
Anyway, I would love to hear what you think of this latest design! Also, if you have any advice on how to actually promote a shirt so it gets sold sometime, I'd love to hear that aswell.
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Fair warning: Beggars, copy/paste comments and obvious bot comments will get flagged.
Cool design, love the pun of the design lol. Good luck selling!
Thank you! I actually saw the pun on some kind of Christmas shirt design and figured I could do something with that too :D
Really cool design, I've bought from red bubble once before and I've got to say, the service seemed pretty good from my end.
I'm curious, what's it like as a seller? I think it's such a cool concept, I hope they don't take a huge cut from the individual artists though.
I haven't bought from them yet, but yesterday I received some images from my mum who had just received her package. That atleast looked pretty good!
As a seller, you have a lot of options to work with. You can pick what products to put your design on and how to arrange it on ever product group. You can also set your own pricing margin, which is normally set to 20%. You don't earn a lot, but they do all the work for you after you upload your design, so I really like that. I haven't had much experience with other such services, so I can't really compare on the price department.
Yeah it sounds really cool to be fair, an easy way to get started and earn a little extra if you've got some designs you want to get out there.
Well good luck, I hope you sell a few :)
So beautiful... Am a graphic design and am in love with anything design.. But am only good at Corel..
I love the shirt design it's beautiful.. I will sometimes be posting my own designs from time to time on my blog.. You can check me out anytime you like...
Keep it rolling.. I really love it... I have followed you to fetch more of your posts and beautiful designs.. They are all beautiful
Thanks you, I'm glad to hear you like the design :-)
That design is cool! Congratulations for that! :D
About selling tshirts, I know @kaylinart has good experience in that type of business, perhaps it could be wise to contact her.
Thank you! I forgot about her, I'll check out her blog! I think she did write about Facebook adds some time ago (or was that someone else?), which is something I might still have to read up on myself. Think I need some more designing practice first though :-)
This design looks awesome!! I'm not a chemistry student but i would 100% get one of these if i was!
Aww thank you! Happy to hear you like it :D
I haven't commented for a few days because i've been busy studying :( hope everything is going well
Ugh studying! Not the most fun thing in the world.
Yeah, I'm doing alright. After the funeral last week, things have gone back to 'normal' again for the most part and I'm home alone again during the day. I can pick up some projects I want to work on now! Hope you're doing well too!
I'm glad to see you designing again @playfulfoodie. I really like this one. Great name too!
I don't have much to offer in the way of sales unfortunately. If you cant afford to do something like Facebook ads then I think it's just a case of getting your designs seen as much as possible on the usual channels.
Have a fun day! 😊
Thanks, so happy to hear you like it!
I was actually checking out Facebook ads just now. Almost boosted one of my posts, but then it started annoying me at the payment stage. It didn't want to take my Paypal funds, it wanted to get funds directly from my bank account. I get annoyed when they do things like that, so I closed the page.
Oh well, first step is to publish it on Twitter, Pintrest and Facebook I guess! I'll take a second look at ads later :-)
Have a good day!
You definitely want to do some research before using Facebook ads @playfulfoodie. Boosting posts is not the best way to go, for example, because you can't target your audience in the same way you can if you create your own ad. Unless you have a very large, interested in buying followers.
Publishing and building a following on other Social Media is a much better place to start. If you don't know what you're doing and/or have the time to learn you'll be throwing your money down the drain with Facebook ads. That's why people complain they don't work. They do work but only if you know what you're doing. 😊
Thank so much for the info! In that case, I'm happy I wasn't able to throw my money down the drain :D
I honestly don't know what social media is the 'top dog' anymore. I have a Twitter account, so I share my stuff there, but have hardly any followers ;-)
I'll do some googling!
I'd have thought you'd be better off with the more visual ones @playfulfoodie like Instagram, Pinterest or joining relevant Facebook groups, it's a lot of work though which is why I went down the Facebook ads route.
I actualll came to Steemit because I thought it would be easier to get my art seen here but in truth I've found it easier on Facebook.
Yeah, my biggest problem is that I never really spend any time on my Pinterest and Instagram accounts, so I'm not really sure exactly how they work. Instagram is mostly phone-based and I don't think I can share any links there. Pinterest well... I still don't really know how to use properly :D
I could check out some Facebook groups! I actually created my own group aswell, but here again, I haven't spend enough time to really work on it. It's just slowly filling up with followers from India for some reason, but that's about it!
Marketing is definitely something I should spend more time on, but I devoted most of my time to Steemit last year. That paid off though and now I should maybe add some other priorities aswell.
Glad to hear @steemit paid off for you I@m finding it all a bit of a slog at the moment. Especially as engagement seems to have dropped right off with the low price of Steem.
If you're gong to do social media it's worth doing some research and working out a strategy. Doing it in fits and starts doesn't really work, I found. But like, anything it needs to be something you enjoy I think, else it just becomes a chore. 😊
I am so glad to hear your Red Bubble experience. I registered there but have not done anything with it yet. I do have pretty consistent sales on Etsy but that is a whole different thing.
I will have to go over and see all of your listings. The phone case came out really great.
Yeah, I like the phone case aswell!
Etsy is where you can sell your products, but you do the actual manufacturing and sending, right? Redbubble is easy for me, as they give you quite a lot of editing options per product and they basically do everything once you've uploaded your design and picked your products. I'm no good at marketing though, so I hardly ever sell anything at all.
Yes every single piece I have to do myself, very hectic during busy season. I am lucky and don't have to promo much there as I am bad at that myself. I stumbled into a perfect niche with a built in target market.
The income suits my needs pretty well except for Jan and Feb. I am hoping to find a way to supplement that income for next winter. I signed up on Red Bubble thinking to put up some photo shop stuff. Not holding much hope for result though.
I also thought with almost a year to work on it I may make a bit here by then. I still can't decide what to post about.
Looks like your blog is coming along nicely congrats on that.
Maybe I will come up with a good content strategy soon wish me luck.
You can definitely make a lot of headway in a year here. You just need to put in your hours and do some networking. I'd say you've got that down though with long and meaningful comments, so that's a big plus!
If you're looking for a good set of followers, I would suggest you keep your Resteems to a minimum. I'd say a few a week shouldn't bother anyone, but if you 'clog up' your follower's feeds with resteems, they might stop following you.
Other than that, just write whatever comes to mind and find a few reoccuring subjects you're interested in. Be it crafts, photoshop stuff, sports, food, whatever, just find a target audience or two and aim the majority of your posts to them. Once you've got a post of a certain subject up, you can then spread some good comments on other posts on that subject and maybe find some like-minded people to talk to and follow.
Anyway, that's how I build up my blog. I'm sure there are other strategies :D
Yes I am in my 3rd week and I am starting to meet some great people.
Good point about the resteems. I do that way too much. I better clean that up a bit when I start posting. At least try to stay on topic.
Super good idea on finding other posts for the topic!
I am starting to get a few ideas.
I think I am going to love Steemit
Thanks so much for taking time to help. There sure is a lot to figure out here.
amazing design
Thank you :-)
Beautiful design and really wonderful well done choice
You are truly an artist
Thank you :-)
Amazing design, I love it
Thank you, glad to hear you like it :-)