The Future: An Optimistic Look

in #future7 years ago

I am skipping current events in this post. This is going to be a journey of speculation. I am going to attempt to be a futurist and speculate on what things might be like in the future from an optimistic perspective. I will be talking about things such as over population, automation, virtual reality, augmented reality, block chains, and crowd sourcing.

First. In this future government is not what we consider government today. Government is a global blockchain where everyone has a fixed amount of crypto currency allotted to them per day. How that currency is used is up to the people. Actions occur in the form of crowd sourcing petitions which people that are interested in supporting can send however much of their crypto currency into. These petitions will result in contracts which people can pickup to produce the work required and they will receive the crowd sourced crypto currency.

The other obvious usage of the crypto currency is in the form of purchasing of products, and services. These are free exchanges between people on the blockchain. You can buy food this way. You can sell your art, videos, stories, games, and experiences this way. This means if your works are popular that it is possible for people to accumulate more crypto currency, yet they do so on a purely voluntary basis.

If a crowd sourced initiative is not funded sufficiently for someone to pick up the contract then eventually it will expire and the crypto will return to the people that tried to back that project.

Laws and government as we know it do not exist other than in the form of contracts between each other and crowd sourcing for larger initiatives.

There are occasional cases where people exploit the system, extort people through coercion, or by fraudulent contract behavior where they receive payment and do not complete the contract. Such people will earn a reputation for their activity and they will become considered more and more likely to be a risk for contracts. People can voluntarily agree to contract with them still, but they likely will expect MORE from the riskier person(s). They may also have such a bad reputation they cannot get contracts at all.

The crowd sourcing initiatives could also indicate a minimum reputation required to accept a contract for that crowd sourced project.

The currency that flows into the block chain would be in the form of a fixed amount per living person tied to the block chain. Multiple accounts would not exist. There could be a group escrow account that holds the funds for crowd sourced initiatives, and their could be individual escrow accounts that hold part of funding until a contract is indicated as complete.

People could also subscribe to services and have a fixed amount of their crypto income automatically sent to a specific account with a memo to indicate what it is for.

There would be no such thing as an anonymous financial transaction. At early days this would bother some people, but in reality it ended up being freeing.

With the constant flow of new crypto into the system per person inflation seems like a problem and the wealth would accumulate in more and more crypto wealthy people due to products, services, etc. The big problem with this is that there is no where for this crypto to exit the system.

The entertainment segment tapped into this and offered services that allowed competition like sporting events where large amount of crypto went into the events. Participants in the event are awarded a portion of that pool of crypto based upon their performance and depending upon the contract designed around the entertainment. A large portion of the pool is destroyed removing the currency from the pool.

This brings us to the other aspects of the future.

As AI and Automation increased at an ever accelerating pace since slightly before the 21st century most of the traditional manual labor jobs have been replaced by robots. Many of the service jobs such as receptionist, dispatching, and other basic communication jobs also were completely automated. Most services that could be simulated were automated.

People could still survive due to the daily crypto that was supplied, but jobs as were known prior to the 21st century were largely gone. It was no longer the case of looking for a 9-5 job in a help wanted advertisement.

People had their daily crypto and if they wanted to achieve more than that it was on them to produce products and services that the AI and automation could not and offer those up either as a vote to support service (like steemit posts), or pay to play services and products. Artists still had these strange qualities of the mind that we had not determined how to completely mimic using computers so some artists could still sell their products either in a patreon like sponsored by patrons basis, or by people purchasing their physical products.

The thing about physical products is that 3d printing had progressed to being able to print out in most materials. Thus, a sculpture while unique one moment could be mass produced the next. Being the person to own the first ever with a note of that transaction in the blockchain became bragging rights but the old school intellectual property concepts no longer existed so people cloning art is common. Yet, it is expected at this point so this is why the patron support mechanism is popular. The patronage of many people sending small amounts of extra crypto to the artist per day is incentive for them to keep producing. The exceptional artists might even seem to be quite wealthy.

The AI and automation had eliminated a lot of the common jobs. The jobs that remain tend to be those around creativity, entertainment, etc. Literature, Art, Poems, Stories, Movies, Video Games, Augmented Reality, and VR experiences. They also would often involve people that were popular on vote for post social media/blog sites. These could result in people getting extra money.

There is another aspect of society that over time the automated systems have out lived those that created them. If they are automated into providing food for example then it is soon realized these can become avenues for removing excess crypto from the economy. Keep enough crypto in a fund for when human contract is needed to do maintenance on the equipment that has not been automated and the rest can be removed from the economy. This means food, and many other things might end up being ways to remove currency from the economy.

There would still be chefs and as automation could make most meals once the technique is known a chef would be like an artist who was adept at creating new tastes, smells, and experiences that were not in the current automation circuit. They might also resurrect old flavors that the automatons are no longer producing. They would in a sense become the trend setters.

Educating on the sciences and how to produce and maintain this equipment and to give those with engineering and inventive minds an outlet was still very much a thing. Such initiatives were crowd sourced like art and scientists, engineers, and inventors often had patrons just like the artists.

The work in the future exists. It is just VERY different from work today.

This brings us to the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality areas. There are still very much human jobs tied to these as it is in these realms that humans will often encounter new things that have not yet been automated.

Space exploration occurred in a big way, but not as people were thinking. They realized that drones, and robotic technology combined with Virtual Reality were the keys to space exploration.

Instead of focusing on manned missions going everywhere the future focused on getting drones and robots that were directed and assisted by human pilots or assistants who only interfaced with these drones and robots via virtual reality. In the early days the greater the distance between the pilot and the drone the longer the communication lag. For this reason most of the drones and robots had automated routines so that a pilot could queue up a number of activities to take and in what order that the robot and drones would receive and then be able to do step by step without needing constant real time communication. Sometimes this would prove to be a problem, but for the most part it could handle most needs.

This enabled the construction of stations in space, in orbits, on planets, and in and on asteroids without a human ever setting foot on them. The advantage is that these were human capable habitats so that when humans finally did go to these places they already had a fully constructed home.

It was worth building these homes as that allowed the VR operator/pilot/assistants to be closer to the drones and robots to reduce communication lag.

As time progressed advances in quantum entanglement related communication made it so real time VR piloting again a possibility over great distances.

As to the augmented reality. This was provided mostly through audio devices, and visual devices at first. At first it was usually visors and such that could provide extra information in the form of heads up displays based upon what the person was looking at. This later modified into being able to show them different light wavelengths they couldn't normally see such as infrared, ultraviolet, etc. It was much like the predators vision in the Predator movies that allowed them to cycle through different visual spectrums. Yet it went further than that. It also enable things like seeing sounds, and seeing smells. New forms of entertainment and exploration came in the form of representing old data and input in new ways. It was sometimes called a sensory meal.

Eventually the visual tech advanced enough for augmented reality to where their were contact lense versions, and some people would totally embrace trans-humanism and have permanent modifications to their body made to add some of these features into themselves.

There were also tactile (touch) augmented reality devices and gloves that could be used to exaggerate textures. This had been found useful for detecting fine imperfections in surfaces and to provide new tactile entertainment and exploration experiences.

Life revolved for humans largely around information, social, and entertainment. So new ways to experience life were always embraced with gusto and explored in every conceivable direction. Often these would be sexual in nature.

Yet that brings up the problem of over population. That had not been a problem for a long time. This was not purely due to being able to colonize and inhabit new places. It had begun before that.

As people went more and more online and into social media, and began using virtual reality, and things like teledildonics more and more there was actually a gradual decline in actual human interaction. It still happened, but some people actually found it to be messy, too personal, and inconvenient. This lead to a decline in unplanned pregnancies. It also lead to a decline in planned pregnancies as the interactions of people in order to procreate became less common. It still happened and there were even people contracting to be impregnated. People also would contract in prostitution for in the future you are free to do what you want with your own body as long as it is voluntary and of your free will and not due to coercion of any kind.

Yet all of this already slowed population growth and in some periods it actually declined enough to where it was a concern and people were paid from a crowd sourced contract to intentionally procreate in order to increase population numbers.

The real problems tended to be in some of the areas and things that occurred with trans-humanism. People were more and more obsessed with being able to live forever and become machines themselves. This actually lead to great understandings in what services and traits of actual humans were valuable. Eventually they did learn how to transmit minds into computers and some people essentially became immortal. Sometimes this was a problem, and sometimes it was not. What they soon realized though was that there were things about the person that were missing after this transfer. Many aspects of the mind they had figured out, but there were still elusive qualities that just could not yet be digitized, but might be in the future.

With people living potentially forever population again became a concern. And then it wasn't one. Once a mind could be moved it did not need to be into a human body. It could be into pretty much any shape. Some people chose to not even have a body and they just lived in the solar system wide internet that was a descendant of the IPFS (Interplanetary File System) project that things like DTUBE ran on top of.

The future had its problems. Any new idea, brings with it new problems to overcome. People persevered and they evolved into new ways. There were black times, but they learned from these and moved on. The jobs and opportunities were always there, just what they manifested as changed.

I hope you enjoyed my stab at futurism. I am no Alvin Toffler. I intentionally tried to keep this positive.


This was a fantastic read. I've often daydreamed about what life would be like in the near to not-so-near future, and I've come to a lot of the same conclusions as you did. This makes me want to go back and start typing up mock encyclopedia entries for science fiction things.

I'm still not sold on a UBI based on anything - even crypto - as it still needs to be produced and distributed in some way, but if there is a technology that would allow it to happen, cryptocurrency would certainly be the most viable option. You've earned my upvote, my resteem, and I'm following you from here on out. :D

I'm still not sold on a UBI based on anything - even crypto

I am not a fan of UBI myself, but then again I suspect the future will be unlike anything we've ever seen before so something like it might be necessary or perhaps just go for letting those that can't do things die. I believe there will be work and opportunity for people in the future, but I also believe there will be transition periods for virtually everyone where you are seeking that work, that opportunity, and in those times people still need to eat, still need shelter, etc.

I do not like the idea of UBI managed by any government. That is a recipe for disaster. I like the idea of a blockchain system that automates the process and doesn't really require a government.

This was an optimistic post. I certainly have plenty of pessimistic/dark ideas, but I intentionally avoided them for this post. :)

"Some people chose to not even have a body and they just lived in the solar system wide internet that was a descendant of the IPFS (Interplanetary File System) project that things like DTUBE ran on top of.", I especially like this!

Que Buen Dato Disfrute Mucho @dwinblood

Neurons adequately stimulated...thanks @dwinblood

Very intriguing! I think, or rather "feel" that many of your projections (observations) may fall in close range of future experience. Remembering a cliche'.. "life (with pain, hardships & development) never ends- it merely changes form".

It's a beautiful vision of the future-- mostly. I agree that automated manual labor will free people up to be more creative, which is I believe the highest expression of our humanity. The technology and transhumanism part of it make me nervous to be honest. I think the further we get from Nature and our connection to the planet, the less human we become in some ways. Also, I still have doubts that we will ever be able to transfer our consciousness completely into a new body or machine. We still have a long way to go in understanding the human mind or brain, which are not the same thing to me, so the proposition of uploading ourselves onto the internet is far-fetched and yet still also terrifying to me. Great thinking!

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :]

Very nice post thanks for sharing

@dwinblood, this was an interesting read. You tied in the cuurent state of the world, into emerging technologies that already exist today, then take us on an exuberant adventure to a future not far from now. I'm looking forward to tactile augemented reality, and I can already imagine the trans-human debate becoming a target of legality and movements! There are many things to fear, but many more to look forward to coming up! The future looks bright c:


I hope the future does go in this direction with less government and a system that relies heavily on reputation. Another point close to my heart - the jobs of the future. I'm already betting my kids future on them becoming creatives, so I hope you're right on that one too.
The only troubling part is the lack of human interaction. Your vision made me think of Asimov's Solaria planet, where people lived alone surrounded by robots. I find this a little sad, although even today we're experiencing a decline in human interaction, as we spend more time texting and messaging instead of face-to-face meetings.

I find this a little sad, although even today we're experiencing a decline in human interaction, as we spend more time texting and messaging instead of face-to-face meetings.

Yes, this has already begun. Some of my ideas are almost upon us, others were me looking further ahead and essentially daydreaming.

Who knows about the politics, but about virtual reality, specifically as it relates to space exploration, I think you're quite right something like that may well happen.

Yet all of this already slowed population growth and in some periods it actually declined

Slowed population growth, yes. But decline? Only if there's no scientific immortality in the future. You mention that later, but somehow you fail to relate it to population dwindling.

somehow you fail

This assumes I was trying to write the perfect document of the future and I had an agenda. The assumption would be wrong.

I just wrote a stream of consciousness. I dipped my toes into the subjects rather than deep diving into each of them. That would be a books worth of material.

EDIT: It also defeats the purpose of this post. Read the title. There are plenty of dark things I could write about. That wasn't what this post was focused on. Though I do actually think I may write a darker companion piece to this today. However, I am a stream of consciousness writer so if you expect a huge essay with citations, footnotes, and for me to deep dive into every topic in a POST then you will be disappointed. :)

Sorry if the way I expressed myself sounded overly critical! It's just that futurism to me (especially of the hopeful kind) goes hand-in-hand with (scientific) immortality, and it seemed strange that you would mention dwindling population issues at the same time as mentioning immortality. If anything, it's rising in population numbers that would be the problem! I was just pointing out a possible incongruity in those two views. I realize you were putting forth ideas, not writing a thesis.

I actually mentioned population increase at one point due to that as well, but it was very brief. Due to people not dying.

Anyway, I just finished a new post that delves into that a little deeper. Though I also went on a lot of tangents. Like I said I write stream of consciousness style. So it flows from my mind and I write it. It sometimes comes out great, and other times it is a mess. :)

Just realized our new deepthink challenge might be right up your alley!

I'll check it out.

The only job for human in the future is what machine can't do and our means of exchange will surely in a form of digital curency. Steem that time will gain 1000 per coin. See,

I do hope your prediction of the future become true sooner. The price of crypto will soar in this case

I'd see there really only being one token in this future. There may be others built off of that one though. Though my projection was pretty far in the future I think.

Excellent write up, @dwinblood! A sensory meal sounds really interesting. :)

I don't have anything to critique, really. I just enjoyed the read. Well done!

tip! 3 hide

Thanks for the inspiration... it just came at me like an explosion and I had to type. I know that you are familiar with that impulse.

A sensory meal could in a sense be like a controlled repeatable hallucination. :) The crazy stories people have on hallucinogens. Essentially a sensory meal would be a replicable experience.

yeah, I missed that one.

Quite the nice Utopia you paint here. I have thought about quite similar once and I like the daily crypto aspect (UBI).

However there are a few problems and it is not like I have a patent solution for them, I have encountered them myself and I am not sure how to solve them.

  1. Who controls the AI? If it is independent you essentially have the humanity governed by AI. Which is not a bad thing imo, but many people watched terminator without understanding how AI truly works.

  2. What is with the people who do not want this kind of technological future? What is with the people who just want to live in their wood shank, go fishing and chill around the fireplace every evening? - I am not one of them, but I am pretty sure they exist.

  3. I don't like the prospect of artificial immortality. I would rather aim for the real deal because mortality seems like a trait of most live forms and not a necessity. :D

I don't like the prospect of artificial immortality. I would rather aim for the real deal because mortality seems like a trait of most live forms and not a necessity. :D

Yeah some of it was what I would like to see. Other parts of it were things that I thought are likely to happen if we don't kill ourselves or get taken out by an extinction level event. So I didn't write completely how I would like to to see things.

good post,, very nice. keep it @dwinblood
if you like about poetry visit my post @magicbone172. help me to Upvote and Resteem please. :)