Is Immortality In Our Near Future?

in #future9 years ago

A not for profit organisation which brings together researchers in the field of life extension to achieve cybernetic immortality.

In February 2011 Russian entrepreneur, Dmitry Itskov, created the organization with the aim "to create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual’s personality to a more advanced non-biological carrier, and extending life, including to the point of immortality.”

With support of specialist in neural interfaces, robotics, artificial organs and systems the organization expects to achieve this by the year 2045.

The Avatar Project is one of its featured projects and has 4 phases. Ultimately, by combining an advanced brain-computer interface with an artificial humanoid body called an avatar, they expect to achieve immortality.

Phase 1 - Avatar A
A robotic body capable of interpreting commands remotely from a brain-computer interface. It will be able to transfer information back through the interface to the host.
Estimated deadline by 2020.

Phase 2 - Avatar B
A robotic body housing a transplanted human brain. The system will have self contained life support and allow the brain to interact with the environment.
Estimated deadline 2025.

Phase 3 - Avatar C
A robotic body with an artificial brain. A human consciousness is uploaded to the avatar at the end of the individuals life.
Estimated to happen around 2035.

Phase 4 - Avatar D
A holographic body with a transferred human consciousness. Unobtainable with current technologies and understanding of physics.
Estimated to happen around 2045.

for more information head on to


Interesting stuff, but they are far too optimistic. Obviously that is to create marketing buzz.

Phase 1 - Avatar A is possible though, but probably in 2025. Avatar B is a LONG way off. We know nearly nothing about the workings of the brain. I'd say Avatar B is 2050 assuming there's a major breakthrough. If not, it's going to take a century. Avatar C can follow quickly after that. Avatar D is not impossible if they figure out B and C.