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RE: You've just successfully uploaded your mind. What are your plans for your future?

in #future8 years ago

The mind is not in the brain.
No computer on the earth, no computer in this universe, can store the information in the mind. The universe isn't big enough to do that.

Of course the mind isn't the brain. The mind is the patterns created by and stored in the brain in response to external stimuli. Just like data stored on a punch card isn't the punch card, it's the pattern of holes in the punch card.

If a brain (created through random mutations that stuck around because they were evolutionary beneficial) can host the mind, then a device based on the brain and created from focused intelligence can surely do so as well. There is nothing special about the brain. It's made out of the exact same matter as everything else.

There are 13 senses. VR is currently only working with a limited subset of 2 of those. You know how audiophiles can tell the difference between records and CDs? That is what I mean by subset. Also, the higher senses allow you to look outside the view you are holding, in other words, they would allow you to see the VR that was fooling your lower senses, and tell you that you were being fooled.

Neural interfaces that could read from and write to the brain could perfectly replicate any data received by the brain from the senses. That is why they'd be able to provide perfectly realistic and fully immersive VR. With such technology, I could drug you in your sleep, remove your brain, place it into a life support/neural interface tank, simulate your physical life and you'd never know any difference.

Computer AI will never become inventive. Inventions come from outside. The most inventive people have always talked about muses, being their inspiration. You can't put that into a computer.

It already has.


Sorry, to believe any of that, I would have to discard so many of my personal experiences.
If you ever journey down the road I have been on, you will come back and edit this post muttering something like, "I didn't know".

The mind is not in the brain.

And all your links about "inspiration" are not about inspiration at all.
They are about interpretive copying. And they are the same links I would use to provide evidence of my point.

Sorry, without us both sharing experiences, all I can do is point out there, and say, "there's more".