What would the world be like, when we humans, would have no option but to become friends with robots. Accept them & treat them like other humans. Not a very desirable state for humanity. But you never know, until you actually know. Because as some of you might have realized, every new technology had to go through the same process flow containing three steps: i) Ridiculed ii) Combated iii) Accepted.
Think of anything starting from the printing press to the steam engine to the automobiles to the Internet to the mobile phone. And if all the major technological innovations follow through that process and eventually succeed, now think about the robotics. What would that be like in the face of humanity 150 years from now. Just a little trans generational thought process here that is making me wonder. What good or evil would that bring to the humanity. An end? An end to what? Human ego or human consciousness.
End of human ego means the humanity would raise to a much greater cause, greater than humanity itself, that is only possible by humans leaving rest of the machinable stuff to the robots. And end of human consciousness means that humanity has no more human essence left in it and has simply surrendered to the rise of technology and has simply subscribed to the concept of totally outsourced human life where humans are simply lost in the show that technology presents to us.
And at this point, I am not even remotely interested on trying to think about end of humanity itself. The stuff that is more popular in the science fiction movie scene. But just that, trying to acknowledge the fact of constant fight between human ego & human consciousness and in the end what will win. Although my thought process is such that none of the above should happen. But just in case, the 3 step process falls into place just another time my vote would be for what I mentioned in the title. What would you vote for?