I also don’t want to be given dependence on something. I want earn opportunity and choice
This is the thing with it. Some will use it as a support to do more, some a crutch to limp and survive upon. It is potentially still freeing for some while enslaving others.
I think I would rather just keep trying. That really is the only choice in life.
Yes, we all do the best we can with what we have (skills/knowledge, genetics etc) but there are some who are looking to add a little more each day so that they can increase their potential or at least, use more of it.
I’ve lost many in my life as they have given up and I will lose many more.
I find that life is becoming one of increasing survival where there are thosing fighting to live and many giving up to subsist only. It is much like we see at Steem, many don't have the longevity to struggle for more thana few weeks. What do they do in the real world?
I’ve known people who just show up only when there where bills to be paid otherwise they just skip out. I’ve also known people who bash there head on the wall for as long as they can stand.
Companies needing to cut hours sometimes keep the first type around. They already know they won’t show up for all there hours scheduled and then they can just blame it on that person. Oh they did not show up again guess you will have to do their work as well. Even when people are lazy they have a purpose in the system depending on whose running the show.
I think it angers the person who keeps ending up with more work than expected and still they have to complete it within their normal allotted time. While that might motivate some to try and find better. Sadly sometimes that just the best they can do.
I've known many call centers and other similar things to just have non-paid time off. Every day if they where not getting the amount of expected volume they just ask if anyone wanted to volunteer to go home. Some people can't wait to raise there hand fast enough. Some times after they get a paycheck and realize they made next to nothing they have that "this is not enough" moment.
I think many will have that moment when steem skyrockets and they have not been around. Expect unlike a job where you get 35 hours next week despite only working 15 of them. It be to late for them here.
They can also be publicly fired to add a dose of fear.
I know lots of these people and when they get passed up for promotion and opportunity, they complain.
Not too late but, nowhere near where they could have been