Risk depends on other opportunities. I have a friend who was a pro hockey player. When he was young he chose to stay playing in his home town for a couple more years because it was easy. The decision likely cost him an NHL career. He still retired a pro hockey player in his native Sweden and will never go hungry but, he also never played NHL or for the Swedish national team.
If Steem fails, steem is worth zero and those who risk alternative careers may not have opportunities to get back on that path.
The delegation makes things much easier for sure and as said, the decision isn't available to everyone. The risk is relative to the individual's prospects though.
Its still nice considering the creators of steempress have invested into Steem themselves before receiving a delegation. There's even lower risk for those who just come up with an idea and get a delegation.
Yep, I didn't mention this part either. They were invested here well before Steempress and have worked on a range of other projects also.