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RE: What did I miss

in #future6 years ago

From my neck of the woods we have an acronym, "FOMO", which means the FEAR OF MISSING OUT. It sounds like you have a bad case og FOMO. Sleep is overrated. There will be plenty of time to sleep down the road. There are some many differents events that may trigger mass adoption of Steemit. It is the perfect platform of choice to express one's point of view, post intriguing content about personal interests, share experiences, or just touch base with people with interests similar to yours. The events that will trigger Steemit's success are building all the time. As this platform of social media continues to grow I feel that the stars are the limit.
Although I do not always agree with the point of view of other people's posts, I love hearing another perspective. I have been made aware of many social issues which I knew very little about through Steemit.
As more of the bugs are worked out by the people at the top, mass adoption should follow.


I do have FOMO. There is way too many interesting things to do in this world which is why I avoid most non-value adding consumptive habits.

Although I do not always agree with the point of view of other people's posts, I love hearing another perspective.

This has a value feedback loop as it returns to question and adjust our own views. Sometimes it weakens and sometimes strengthens our convictions. It is a pretty cool place in my opinion if one is willing to be a part of it.

We are never to old to learn.
" Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story."
Max Ehrman's Desiderata
Have a great day!