Open Discussion.

in #future3 years ago

Open Topic.

The Hive Name.png
Let's talk about something. Me, I would like to talk about changing the world. A bit more precise, the society of the world we live in. A discussion about moving away from the ever more totalitarian regime of rule. If you see the world the way I do or not. Bears no relevance. That just means we discuss things in different manners.
Now if we could actually do that or not is a different thing. Discussing changes though. Most people fail at that.

I wonder what change people would like to see. I do know the beginning stages I see are nothing like what other people would like to see. The time frame too. At least two generations to change some things.

I do not want to change all of society. I do not want a revolution of arms. That is far from anything I have ever said. A revolution of some sort is definitely needed.

I would like to change how some parts of society work. What parts of society do you think need fixing?

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A. Always a housing crisis.
B. Finance.
C. Services.
D. Crime.
E. Education.

F G H I J K you can add your own sub title to and I will add that with my own thoughts (in future considerations).

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I would like to see tax on land to be eliminated and that the amount of land a corporation or non-profit organization can own to be very very limited. I see no reason at all for a corporation to own more than 1,000 acres, no matter what the corporation makes, sales or provides the same goes for non-profits like religious organization, aid organization or land trust organizations.

Land tax, hmm now that is one hard cookie to crumble. People that read that will have in their head. Get rid of a tax they do not like. Road tax or income tax. No matter what type of world we create. Some form of taxation is needed, upkeep of services needs to be covered.

On the amount of land I am unsure. 1000 acres sounds to me like 2000 homes with the minimal space between them. That doesn't account for roads. Would that limit a developer. For the project I would like to see happen. I would like to see 2,000 homes or more in each county in Ireland. That is before land used for recreation and leisure.

Maybe a corporation should have to make X % of owned land if above 1,000 acres, open to the public. Parts of the land for a playground or something like. (locations of land would effect how that works though.

How do we compensate for that lost revenue?

How do we compensate for that lost revenue?

By limiting the amount of land a corporation can own, you increase competition. The Franchise system would have to be changed somewhat, since many corporation use them to expand their reach.

Example, McDonalds, Wendys, Arby, would be pretty limited in their reach, thus allowing for local burger joints a chance to exist. Same with grocery chains limiting them would allow more mom and pop type stores, more competition, less price fixing by the big outlets.

Lost revenue from individual ownership of land would more than be made up for in competition, more individual choice. Also the land a corporation owns should still be taxed.

I have watched the number of choices available for shopping decrease throughout my life, it is time to pull the reins in on just how far a reach corporation have.

Ah, I think in part at least I have that part covered. Increasing the ability for a newcomer to compete in a market. Although they would still need to work at growing themselves too.

If the costs of beginning was reduced somehow. Especially for local shops. This would indeed mean many shops would need to make a Hive account, for it to work on Hive. With the warehouse structure needed to pull this off and cooperation of local growers would be needed for some items. If we could get that done. We have a fighting chance.

In all of this thought. Just think of the part that needs to change and how it is done without confrontation, or as little as possible.

Thanks for feeding us. We love our human friends 😻


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My mind is the only freed mind on the blockchain. The rest of you work on an old outdated method.

hahaha, feck off...

Proves my point :)

Sure, it's only about making some cats happy anyways... :D

a bit shallow?

You tell me, you're the only freed mind on here... no?


Good morning my friend. My main reason for being here, is out of respect for your recent engagement. But to touch quickly on this topic (because free time is an oddity, and never enough time in one day) with my mindless rambling!

A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

Man... where's that right? Lol... You had asked the following question; "What parts of society do you think need fixing?" Parts being plural... and there are indeed many things that need fixing. But I am just one person, trying to help spread positive energy and love. Whether here, on the Blockchain. Or in my everyday life.

I think manners, respect, and compassion, need to make a comeback. The grandkids tease my fiance and I. Because we watch old movie reruns... as well as "The Waltons". I would love to see things going back to the old ways of folks helping folks. Putting more emphasis on family. Or focusing on our own "backyards" before trying to make other's rebuild their own...

In the same breath; you can't just go stopping for everyone you see needing help. Because the sad truth is... not everyone wants saving. But I still think back to being raised by women, and grandparents who lived through the "Great Depression"... I felt like I didn't fit in growing up. But soon realized as I got older, that the way I was raised was pretty darn good.

I won't keep rambling, but I think your creating a way, for everyone to voice their thoughts and opinions... is a positive thing. Don't stop...

Oh... can't necessarily upvote. But can send you some positive energy, and some !LUV


Your upvote regardless of the size holds more value than the other tokens.

It might be impossible to help everyone. But it is possible to put opportunity to help oneself available to everyone.

I guess from your reply. I want to bring about a new society. Unfortunately, the investment cost is 300K minimum and that just gets a demo or pilot project growing. Current value approx 10K lol.


I know dear friend... but this is past payout. I can, however, attest to the LUVhivebits). He is quite an extraordinary fellow... give him a peek aye? Token which was created by @crrdlx (who also made the

In regards to helping others, I should have been more specific... If you know someone is going to be an issue... well you know.

A new society indeed. So long as you don't have a secret handshake!

lol. I'm just fukin with ye on the vote.

No handshake, Participate by choice.