Hey Future24Coin believers,
today I started with the wooden future24coin! :-)
At first I had to cut a slice off.
Looks pretty easy on the pictures, doesn't it? :D In reality it wasn't, there was a strange, hard point in the wood. I don't know what it was, because it didn't came from a bough :/
Next I tried to paint the Future24Coin on the wood.
But how? I didn't know, everything seemed so complicated. But after a few minutes of thinking I decided to pierce through the paper into the wood and repaint the line, so I can see it better.
The most beautiful circle I ever drew :D
After that I had to cut piece by piece off, so the wood looks like a circle too (I'm lacking equipment, I know :D)
To avoid cutting into the Coin, I used the smaller saw to precut.
After sawing :-)
To make it round I used this thing, sorry for my english. But I guess you know how it is called, google translator couldn't help me though. Let me know in the comments :D
..it took a long while!
And it is finally round! Yes!
But it needs to be nicely round!
Now to the surface, it must be even. Because after that it comes to the motif!
It looked so much better, just by even the surface! Wow! :)
Now it comes to the motif!
At this point I will continue next time, I hope you like it until know!
Let me know what you think of my work in the comments! :-)
See you next time :)
Wow, this is really great work, you are awesome!!!
Thank you! I tried my best :-)
Im looking forwart for updates, this will be awesome after you finished it!
Maybe you could create a bar stool from it, this would be an nice idea too. :)
Yes it would :)
But it would be just an decoration. Because it is just half a DinA4 Paper sheet big, too small to sit comfortable on it I think :D
I thought about piercing a little hole in the back and hang it on the wall, what do you think about that idea? :-)
You are insane hahaha
Haha thanks! :D
Aber ordentlich versichern!
Auf jeden Fall, hol' mir direkt nen Termin beim Berater! :D
Haha, ja das Teil kann wertvoll werden und werden und da könnte man sogar einen Hocker draus machen...^^ Irgendwann kaufe ich dir den vielleicht mal für viel Geld ab, kannst ja vorher noch vergolden lassen zur Wertsteigerung! :-)
Haha nächster Eintrag "Der neue Future24Coin-Hocker" xD
Kann man das Vergolden "einfach und bezahlbar" machen/machen lassen? o:
Naja wahrscheinlichen sprayen ne, bei sowas kriegt man ja auch ganz gute Ergebnisse
Oh mann du ziehst das wirklich durch :)
Hut ab mein lieber ! Ich bin extrem gespannt auf das Endprodukt !
Ja sicher hehe :)
Ich auch, bin ehrlich gesagt auch etwas aufgeregt das es als nächstes ans stechen geht :D
You gave a whole new meaning to proof of work! That is an awesome project with just hand tools!
I highly appreciate your kind words :)
Looks like you are good on wooden craft. grate work.waiting for next post
Thank you firearies!
Actually I just started one week ago but it makes me happy to read it looks good :-)
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You are awesome!!
@future24 I just looked it up, thank you :-)