So it’s happening!!! Sunday began the trading of BTC futures. Since then most crypto currencies are up, some slightly and some exponentially. Please people, use this indicator as a strong buy!!! Get in, ride the waves and done be afraid to TAKE PROFITS!!! You can’t go broke taking a profit. If you love a coin, and it’s down, buy more. Most futures contracts for BTC are set at $18000, and I promise you investors who hold BTC are also driving the price of the CC to meet their futures demands. What does this mean? I don’t have to spell it out for you. All I can say is...LIVE RICH STEEMERS!!! Now is the time!!!
Hola @amalgorythm, upv0t3
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<3 Este es un corazón, o un helado, tu eliges .
: )
N0. R4ND0M:
8604 8734 6242 7300
9627 7082 1295 7393
4513 7557 4124 6941
7104 8679 3992 9091