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RE: How My Lazy use of Twitter Keeps a History of the Future

in #futurism9 years ago

I once discovered I had started a book and that it had a mind of its own and wanted to be about a Utopian future run entirely by an AI who had become conscious without anyone noticing and gained such powerful influence, incognito, as to create a world in harmony. It wasn't the AI's story, but that of a variety of characters born into this well-coordinated world where people excelled at jobs they loved (because instead of having to job hunt, they'd be offered exceptional fits to choose among) where there was no need for landfills, no clunky crazy economy, etc. Of course, were I to continue the book, the characters would figure this out and the augmented bounty hunter (or less done-already version) would take it upon herself to find and destroy the AI, probably succeeding but not without first having a mind-bending conversation that would definitely be a tear-jerker. Personally, I'd rather read Neal Stephenson's version of this book than the one I would write, but I share it to answer your question of what I think of this crazy exponential technological progress. That answer is that, regardless of how things look on the surface, whether people live in floating lounge chairs like in WALL-E and are totally supported by robots or in a post-apocalyptic war with them or in any other way, the essential conflict will still be about what it means to be human. No matter what the future looks like, happiness will still be as attainable and elusive as ever.