What is FuzeX
FuzeX aims to revolutionize the way you pay. We are taking what we learned from successfully developing and bringing to market 30,000+ Fuze Cards (the smart, mag strip enabled e-card that lets you embed up to 30 credit, debit, and reward cards into one convenient to use e-card), and adding cryptocurrency integration to the mix.
Giil, why Invest in Fuzex?
Korean ICO, korean in one point has the most volume in crypto trading. and we all know they patronize their own products
Working card (Crypto currency integration is being finalized), and the card is slick!
- Can be integrated with 30 Debit and Credit card
- E-Paper Display
- EMV chip for crypto payments
- Near Field Communication (NFC) for credit and debit card payments
- Sleek, slim, rechargeable portable battery bank
- and a lot more! (check their whitepaper)
FuzeX Exchange, helps real-time liquidity for payments
Team is has very good experience.
Mother company has good track record. http://www.brilliantts.com/home/index.html
Charlie Shrem in the house! It'll give this project a definite boost! https://medium.com/fuzex/our-new-advisor-charlie-shrem-9971262eedb2
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- FOMO is building up, they're close to soldout!
Website: https://fuzex.co/
Whitepaper: https://fuzex.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FuzeX_whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/FuzeX
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKC_X1r-3yoBpVeuFcR8thQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FuzeX.co/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fuzex_co
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