The 25th Art Gallery Tour in Gothenburg 2024

in #gallery4 months ago (edited)

The Artist Roland Borén at Gallery Låma.

The 25th Art Gallery Tour in Gothenburg

Hello all Art Lovers!
This year's 25th Art Gallery Tour has ended. This time there were six galleries on the agenda.
Galleri 54 had a vernissage during early Friday evening. Ana Mendes writer and visual artist lives and works in Stockholm. With the exhibition "Salmon Pantone Collection", she opens up the dialogue between the food and fashion industries, while simultaneously addressing issues of gender and identity.
Grafik i Väst is visited by the graphic artist Hammer Chen with the title of the exhibition "Precious Fragments".
Gallery Backlund shows paintings by Madeleine Pyk and Gallery Engleson shows paintings by Cecilia Lindh Larsson.
Galleri Majnabbe currently has two exhibitions. In the main Gallery, Maria Stigsdotter Drott shows Painting and textiles and in the lower Gallery a group exhibition of Six artist friends entitled "Porträtt" is shown.
Galleri Låma opens the autumn season with works by the sculptor Roland Borén.

Hej alla Konstvänner!
Årets 25:e gallerirunda har avslutats. Denna gången blev det sex gallerier som stod på agendan.
Galleri 54 hade vernissage under tidig fredagskväll. Ana Mendes författare och visuell konstnär bor och är verksam Stockholm. Med utställningen "Salmon Pantone Collection" öppnar hon dialogen mellan livsmedels- och modeindustrin, samtidigt frågor om kön och identitet.
Grafik i Väst gästas av grafikern Hammer Chen med titeln på utställningen "Precious Fragments".
Galleri Backlund visar målningar av Madeleine Pyk och Galleri Engleson visar målningar av Cecilia Lindh Larsson.
Galleri Majnabbe är aktuellt med två utställningar. I stora galleriet visar Maria Stigsdotter Drott måleri och textil och i det nedre galleriet visas en grupputställning av sex konstnärsvänner med titeln "Porträtt".
Galleri Låma öppnar höstsäsongen med verk av skulptören Roland Borén.

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Gallery Majnabbe - Maria Stigsdotter Drott

The Artist Maria Stigsdotter Drott.





Gallery Majnabbe (Lower gallery) - Six Artist Friends - Ann Ericsson, Ann Ivarsson, Britta Strömbeck, Elisabet Wahlström, Gunilla Wilén and Lisskulla Brenner.







Gallery 54 - Ana Mendes

The Artist Ana Mendes.




Gallery Engleson - Cecilia Lindh Larsson

The Artist Cecilia Lindh Larsson.




Grafik i Väst - Hammer Chen

The Artist Hammer Chen.




Gallery backlund - Madeleine Pyk







Gallery Låma -Roland Borén

The Artist/sculptor Roland Borén.








Text and photo Morgan Carlsson @scc664
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Links to the Galleriets

Links to other galleries and Museums

Vasarely musée à Gordes
The museum Amos Rex - Helsingfors, Finland
Moderna Museet - Stockholm
Lousianna - Humlebæk, Denmark

ATG 21 bcd.jpg

Photographic Links

Hasselblad Foundation/Hasselblad Center;

Photography Festivals


An interesting radio program broadcast in Swedish (radio P2), is Rendezvous with Kristjan Saag. Friday's theme was "Söta kyssar, vin och parfym".
Musician / bassist Magnus Rosén;

Art and Photography

Victoria Andersson
Maj-Siri Österling
Digital imaging in Swedish. Here you can learn the basics. Available on Moderskeppet


Literature - Poetry - Movies - Music

Are you interested in literature, music and movies, the Magazine Fritänkaren. You can read it here, try this address;
and his complete poems October Harvest. You can buy it here;
Christian 2006bcd.jpg
Owner /editor and responsible publisher Magnus Christian Aurelio Lanciai to the Magazine Fritänkaren.

Finally, after 42 years, Balladon Bond Band/Håkan Wetterbro has released the song How Little We Need. The song was written by Håkan Wetterbro and recorded in Studio Lane in Gothenburg in 1982.

Thanks For Watching!