The Artist Albin Liljestrand at Gallery Backlund.
The 33rd Art Gallery Tour in Gothenburg
Hello all Art Lovers!
Six galleries were also on the agenda this Saturday and we now only have a few weeks left in the last autumn month of the year.
First up was Gallery PS, which is now more located at Sockerbruket's premises. Eva Dahlin, who was educated at Valands, is current with the exhibition "Events under the skin". Her work is based on an interest in biological and natural science phenomena.
Gallery Thomassen has a group exhibition entitled "HIBERNAL".
Gallery Backlund is hosted by Artist Albin Liljestrand from Värmland. The title of the exhibition is "Happy talk".
The artists Lotta Lassbo and Ewa-Britt Andersson show paintings at Gallery Engleson and Gallery Kim Anstensen has a recurring guest in the inner room Olof Wettre and in the front room Else Uhlmann (born in Johannesburg, South Africa) shows her rhythmic paintings.
The end of Saturday's gallery tour was at Göteborgs Konstförening. Filippa Nilsson Kallhed who works with sculpture where themes such as identity, body, desire and humor are touched upon.
Johan Nobell shows, among other things, vast fantasy landscapes in pastel.
Hej alla Konstvänner!
Sex gallerier stod på agendan även denna lördag och vi har nu bara några veckor kvar i årets sista höstmånad.
Först ut var Galleri PS som nu mera ligger vid Sockerbrukets lokaler.
Eva Dahlin som är utbildad på Valand är aktuell med utställningen "Händelser under huden". Hennes arbete utgår från ett intresse av biologiska och naturvetenskapliga fenomen.
Galleri Thomassen har en grupputställning med titeln "HIBERNAL".
Galleri Backlund gästas av Konstnären Albin Liljestrand från Värmland. Titeln på utställningen är "Happy talk".
Konstnärerna Lotta Lassbo och Ewa-Britt Andersson visar måleri hos Galleri Engleson. Galleri Kim Anstensen har en återkommande gäst i det inre rummet som är Olof Wettre. I det främre rummet visar Else Uhlmann (född i Johannesburg, Sydafrika) sina rytmiska målningar.
Lördagens gallerirunda avslutades på Göteborgs Konstföreningdär Filippa Nilsson Kallhed visar skulpturer med teman som identitet, kropp, begär och humor och där Johan Nobell visar sina vidsträckta fantasilandskap i pastell.
Gallery PS - Eva Dahlin
The Artist Eva Dahlin.
Gallery Thomassen - HIBERNAL – Groupshow
Gallery Backlund - Albin Liljestrand
The Artist Albin Liljestrand.
Gallery Engleson - Lotta Lassbo and Ewa-Britt Andersson
The Artist Lotta Lassbo.
The Artist Ewa-Britt Andersson.
Gallery Kim Anstensen - Else Uhlmann and Olof Wettre.
The Artist Else Uhlmann.
Göteborgs Konstförening- Johan Nobell and Filippa Nilsson Kallhed
The Artist Johan Nobell.
The Artist Filippa Nilsson Kallhed.
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Text and photo Morgan Carlsson @scc664
Links to the Galleriets
Links to other galleries and Museums
Vasarely musée à Gordes
The museum Amos Rex - Helsingfors, Finland
Moderna Museet - Stockholm
Lousianna - Humlebæk, Denmark
Photographic Links
Hasselblad Foundation/Hasselblad Center;
Photography Festivals
An interesting radio program broadcast in Swedish (radio P2), is Rendezvous with Kristjan Saag. Friday's theme was "Söta kyssar, vin och parfym".
Musician / bassist Magnus Rosén;
Art and Photography
Victoria Andersson
Maj-Siri Österling
Digital imaging in Swedish. Here you can learn the basics. Available on Moderskeppet
Literature - Poetry - Movies - Music
Are you interested in literature, music and movies, the Magazine Fritänkaren
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