2022 and Loreshaper Games

2021 was a little underwhelming. Some of that was my fault for work and losing communication, but there was also some time when I just wasn't really able to work at my full capacity.

2022 isn't some magical thing that's going to make me ultra-productive, but there are a bunch of things going on. I've lost my regular job, which was very taxing, so I'm going to try self-employment, at least until I reach the point where money starts running out and I need to start looking again.

Part of that is Loreshaper Games kicking up into gear again.


I'm still hoping to get Exoworld out eventually, but I haven't gotten to a place where I feel confident about securing funds to get the project launched. Logically, I need a lot of money for this because I'll be hiring people to do art and reach an A-grade production quality level.

I also, being self-employed, will need to consider some money for myself. I'm cheap and I can probably make it on roughly $500 a month, which doesn't give me any luxuries and is dependent on living with family (with time obligations to make up for the reduced financial obligations involved with that).

There's also a relationship between time and cost here. If I have no

My goal is to be in a spot where I can hope to raise about $50,000 by June, which would involve leveraging a lot of contacts and hopefully building up Loreshaper Games' profile.

That's a longshot, and it's not my only plan.

The Plan for January

It is time to get working on some things for January right now, though, and fortunately the new year is going to bring some new fun stuff.

New Website

I'd set up the old Loreshapers website on Kanka, but I'm going to make a new one on Wordpress. It'll integrate with Hive, lettimg me write over there and cross-post here for a non-Hive audience.

It will serve as a general hub where I can have more evergreen content up there and hopefully market my products alongside my writing/updates.

Kenoma v1

Kenoma is the new game for the new year. It's built off the Hammercalled ruleset I haven't really touched much in the past couple years. Less modular than the original intent, it's going to be a paranormal sci-fi post-apocalyptic game.


I'm making Kenoma for a game jam (semi-officially), so there is a strict timeline I want to keep to.

My goal is to get the Kenoma Quickstart ready by the 8th of January. I don't know how possible that will be, since I'll basically need to wrap the writing on the 6th to get all the stuff done and that seems almost impossible, but I'm also going into full-steam mode on the project.

Then I'll just be working on the main rulebook. It would be nice to have it out by January 28 because that's the end of the game jam, but I don't know if that is possible. Fortunately, since I'm going to be revising and recycling a lot of Hammercalled content, it may actually be close.


If you want some proofreading, hit me up on Discord. @sapadetzero might also have some useful input if you're open to it.

Certainly! I might send you a message on Twitter since I'm not having luck finding you on Discord.

I have no idea why such odd numbers are appended to handles there. Try Tothe#8927. You should recognize the dizzy d20.

Sent you a request. Look for the raven.

"Look for the raven" sounds like an ominous prophesy...

I know, that's why I said it.

LOL! Have some !PIZZA for that.

Oh for sure, I'm always down to help if I can. SapadetZero#1369 on Discord.


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