My fan games

in #game3 years ago

My background
I've started with Mugen in December 1999, so I am one of the oldest Mugen creators still active. I've founded Brazil Mugen Team at 2001 and I was an moderator/administrator of MugenBR network for a long time. Actually, I am a core member and moderator at Infinity Mugen Team.

The first job that brought me world exhibition was MB-02, and overpowered version of Sagat, for the Street Fighter Special Operations project


Over the years, I've developed a unique style to create content for Mugen, which values the creativity and freedom in the creative process rather than in a 100% conversion faithful to the original game. In many cases, I was the only one to convert certain character.

Here are some examples of my work on Mugen Full Games:

=====| Battle Stormer Classics |=====

​Battle Stormer Classics is a oldschool game, on a boss rush mode, featuring classics chars from classic games.


The project gameplay is very simple, far more based on plataform games rather than fighting games:

  • one round, no defense and no auto turn
  • Two attack buttons and one special
  • Some interactive backgrounds (platforms, items, breakable objects, etc.)
  • Interactive lifebars, which reacts when the player was hit
  • Non-playable bosses
  • Characters from 16-bit systems or more
  • No super deformed characters (big head, for example) or too cartoonish characters

=====| ​Mega Man Robot Master Mayhem |=====
​Unlike the normal Mega Man games, this is a fighting game in versus style, highly influenced by games like Marvel vs. Capcom.

RMMDOWNLOAD (Windows): ​

The game includes:
*30 playable characters, including names like Mega Man, Proto Man, Snake Man, Metal Man, Enker, Quint and others.

  • Several classic bosses of the series, such as Yellow Devil, Hyper Storm H, Metonger Z and others.
  • 53 Unique stages for each character, with its characteristic soundtrack
  • Power Sets: Almost all characters, except some cases explained in game history, have the ability to choose from 6 different types of powers / weapons, in addition to special attacks.
  • History, with introduction (animated and with voice over) and ending, for each character.

Take control of your favorite Mega Man characters to stop the Evil Dr. Wily from conquering the Earth

**​Download (Windows): **

​=====| Kirby the Dream Battle | =====

​Kirby the dream battle is a kirby fighting game with gameplay very similar to Kirby Super Star Ultra.


**Download (Windows): **


The beat 'em up styled games always been my favorite, and I decided to study the "OpenBOR" engine. Currently, I have some projects using this engine, highlighting "Avengers United Battle Force."


Download (Windows, Linux, Android, RaspberryPi):

Check all the games I've created at Game Jolt page.