Update patch 7.06 for Dota 2 has been released! Many general changes that occur in this update. The biggest change is in the economic system of Dota 2 itself. What changed? See the following article.
It might be common for Icefrog to change the Dota 2 gameplay before the International tournament begins. On Monday, May 15th, Dota 2 received an update of 180 mb which covered many changes, especially on the economy that existed in Dota 2.

General Changes
Mechanics Deny
- Created Creep will now give 30% XP
- XP from creeps denied by enemies increases from 50% to 70%
- Shrine can be used starting from 5 minutes, not from the beginning of the game again.
- The amount of shrine in the base is reduced from 5 to 3 (the shrine behind the bottom and top barracks is removed).
- Regeneration growth where on shrine every minute decreases from 1 to 0.75.
- Added extra creep in mid lane in the first 15 minutes
- Creep will now meet a little closer to the enemy off-lane tower
- The duration of creep agro is reduced from 2.5 to 2.3
- Cooldown from creep agro increases from 2.5 to 3 seconds
- Creep eyesight distance in lane decreased from 800/850 to 750
- Neutral creep now appears every minute
- XP and gold from neutral creep reduced by 20%
- XP and gold from neutral creep increased by 2% every 7.5 minutes Creep
- Damage of the siege type when attacking buildings increases from 150% to 250%
- HP from Siege creep increases from 550 to 825
- Siege creep now appears every wave to 10 (every 5 minutes).
- The extra range / siege creep will now appear on 40 minutes
- Strength growth in all heroes increased 0.3
- Regeneration of HP from every 1 strength increased from 0.03 HP to 0.06
- Reduce HP regen 0.25
- Spell amplification from intelligence that used to be 1% per 15 int to 1% per 14 int
- Which of every intelligence points is reduced from 12 to 11
- Which base increases from 50 to 75
- XP from melee creep is reduced from 45 to 40
- Gold from melee creep gold growth is reduced from 3 gold per cycle to 1 gold
- Gold from ranged / melee barrack decreases from 275/225 to 225/150 for each player
- Gold from roshan to team is reduced from 200 to 150
- Gold from shrine decreases from 150 to 125
- Death cost (death cost) changed from 100 + NW / 50 to 50 + NW / 40
- Gold from tower tier 3 is reduced from 240 to 200
- Gold from tower tier 4 decreased from 280 to 200
General Changes
- Gold / XP from illusion changed from 5 + level to 2 * level
- Reduction Damage illusion to the building changed from 50% to 60%
- Buyback Buyback increased from 7 minutes to 8 minutes
- Roshan will now drop the cheese when it has been killed 2 times
- The growth of roshan armor each interval increases from 1.1 to 1.3
- The power run ups will now appear on both sides of the river after 40 minutes
- The attack from the flying unit now will not miss when in downhill.
- Fixed some of the road problems on the creep dire that were below when it was between tower tier 2 and tier 1
- The added distance of the armor bonus from the tower based on the number of enemies increased from 1400 to 1600
Respawn Talent
- Change all the talents respawn at 42 heroes in the game.
That is some of the common changes that occur in this 7.06 patch, this change will greatly affect the gameplay on Dota 2. With this update allows hero carry can farming even faster with the XP system and gold on the creep that is deny.
What You Reaction?
Although this is very old news and every gamer knows this already and has played many games since the patch I like posts about Dota so keep going.
Lina not OP anymore :)