Fallout 4: Miss Nordhagen Beach

in #game8 years ago


This is part of my Fallout 4 RPG/Sandbox play through series:





So I am out wandering the wasteland heading north from Fort Strong when I come upon a massive building project at Nordhagen Beach. Overseeing the building of this structure was none other than Skinny Malone. When last I saw him he was pretty pissed at me for running his girlfriend Darla off, so I approached him very cautiously. I was surprised to find that he was in good spirits and was busy looking to the future. I asked him what exactly he was building and he replied that it was going to be his new night club. He offered to give me a tour of the not yet finished facility and I must say that he might be on to something good here.


After looking the place over, we went outside and began to talk about how he was going to lure a crowd to this remote location. Skinny decided the best way to bring in the caps was to have a bikini contest but he was certain that nobody would accept his invitation. Being the entrepreneurial type, I offered to get him the contestants he needs since I am fairly well liked by most everyone in the Commonwealth. I even suggested that I may be able to bring in some sponsorship for a piece of the action to offset his expenditures. He liked this idea and agreed to my terms. I would begin the task of putting the event together while he put the finishing touches on his club. We sealed the deal with a handshake and I walked away thinking to myself that perhaps the Commonwealth is not such a miserable place at all.

As I began to spread the word around about the bikini contest it soon became apparent that I had a problem. Some of the ladies that approached me to enter the contest were shall we say...past their prime. Particularly concerning to me were Trashcan Carla, Doctor Penske, Maria Summerset, Trudy and Mama Murphy. This however did provide me with a great idea for sponsorship. I had remembered meeting Doc Crocker who runs the Mega Surgery Center in Diamond City. He just happened to specialize in face and body enhancement. If anyone could whip these girls into shape, it certainly would be him. Then I thought of John with Kathy and John's Super Salon, also in Diamond City. If I could coax John and perhaps Horatio from Vault 81 into putting the finishing touches on the contestants then this thing might just work!

While talking to Doc Crocker and John in Diamond City, I was approached by Becky Fallon who runs Fallon's Basement, a clothing store in Diamond City. She offered to provide the swimwear on the condition that I allow her and her seamstress, Anne Hargraves entry into the contest. I agreed thinking that unless my sponsors could work their magic on these contestants that this was going to be the biggest flop since the bombs fell on the Commonwealth. Doc Crocker assured me he could handle his part and that he was eager to prove his abilities. Most everyone seems afraid to go anywhere near him and he sought to change that perception.

As I looked over my list of participants, I briefly considered asking my three companions Piper, Cait and Curie to enter the contest for fear if I didn't that there would be nothing worth looking at on that stage. I decided that would be a conflict of interest and did not want to be accused of a little home cooking. I had about 30 entries thus far and still have a few more to talk to. Doc Crocker better be as good as he says he is.

More to come...

Follow @olmech


A written let's play? This is madness. Anarchy! I had never read one of these before. But I'm glad I lost my virginity to you. But it was very entertaining.

I think static pictures actually make it more immersing than gifs or video. It let's you imagine more and get deeper into the story.

Thank you for sharing! If you explore a spookier place later, maybe you'd be interested in our horror short story contest. I'd love to see an entry from you. ^^ As far as I'm concerned, these stories work too! Haha.

Thank you for your kind remarks aguayojoshua. I will look into it.

fallout my favorite game. I went through the game in nineteen different ways, even killed the son of the hero!

Very Nice Post My Friend!
I Am Playing Fallout 4 Amazing Game Love It :) @olmech

waw happy for you 452$