Title screen for our first project almost done.
Soon we are gonna upload the package to hear what people think about it and after a lot of work put in all the things that a game need feel nice and scary to realese something.
This little level is a part of a bigger game called Randomness a top down shooter with puzzling elements to it.
Here some screen of the level where the Squarehog is the main charachter.
The project is made with GameMaker Studio 2 and we are now wondering how to publish it (for free)
You think it's viable option to upload the package here on Steemit?
Thank you for the support!
i'd say building an audience is way more important than publishing itself. steemit is definitely a viable option. but you should probably focus more on sharing and having exposure. only big companies can separate development from marketing. for indies it's more like sharing than publishing. steemit is great because you can get directly paid in the process.
Yeah I used the wrong word with publishing, sharing is more like it. We started less then a year ago and now we wanted to put out something for people to play around and have fun with it and guide us. Too bad we don't have anymeans right now to make something web based so we will probably upload the installer package somewhere(on steemit for sure!). Thank you for your tips love your channel
always good to see a fellow indiedev. you just gotta keep working!
i fell in love with steemit about 5 months ago and have been sharing my stuff ever since.
oddly enough talking about my game made more money than the game itself.