The first part of our weekly indie game devlog series!
• Website:
We introduce the SmokeSomeFrogs team and talk about our first Unity game – Flufftopia! An idle game with a twist.
We discuss problems, workflow, the development and the learning process.
• Intra-System: Trust Issues
• Social Media:
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Please take a moment to read this post regarding commenting and spam. (tl;dr - if you spam, you will be flagged!)✅ @smoke-some-frogs, congratulations on making your first post!
great work! i played it for a few mins and noticed some things i didn't quite enjoy. i hope this helps 😃
btw i love how you're sharing your personal life as well! i think it helps you be more engaging. can't wait to see more updates. both the game and your social stuff!
First of all - thank you very much! ♥
It was our first game and we have to admit it definitely isn't flawless. We're thankful for every bit of feedback we get - it helps to imrpove future games very much :D
from one indiedev to another i hope you guys get to build an awesome game and be a huge success.