Some very nice points there. I see that problem a lot in Croatia. Most of the emerging teams here consist mostly of programmers and undervalue other aspects of the game.
On the other hand we are an eight man team with only one programmer in the team, and role of the director in the team changes from project to project (depending on what is the key aspect of the project).
Working as a part of such team is refreshing but has its own drawbacks (having no-one to strike down with the hammer of ultimate authority when we end up in our procrastination episodes and time wasting seances of circle jerking about what is the most important aspect of specific levels). But in the end none of us would go to one boss kind of environment from this. :)
interesting to hear it's happening in other places too. whenever a team is too focused on either art or programming, i think it's difficult to have results. in fact i see most gamedev projects end up not getting finished at all. but there's so many different circumstances, it's hard to find one clear answer to solve them all. i guess we're all still in the process. thanks for sharing your story.