John Snow is a wolf abandoning, pussy-whipped, weak-willed, beta cuck.
Daenerys is an evil, unhinged, deceiving, power-hungry, self-entitled tyrant.
Drogon's plot armor is enchanted +10 Fire Breath, +10 Aerial Maneuvers, +10 Speed
Tyrion is suddenly retarded. Varys is suddenly retarded.
Jaime Lannister teleports into King's Landing after leaving a heavily guarded tent and sneaking past an army.
City guards let people who claim to be there to kill the queen right past while prepping for a siege.
Arya's plot armor has no dents and she forgot her training, purpose, and list.
The Hound let's Cersei walk right past him... um.... what?
Gray Worm is suddenly a dishonorable murderer, taking center stage in front of John leading the fight on the ground... yet he is a slave with no nuts.
Competing lovers for Cersei's black heart have a chance meeting on a tiny secluded beach and duel to the death.
Cersei cries the whole time... she ain't a bad bitch no mo'! Damn hormones.
Stabbed twice Jaime Lannister climbs 1000's of stairs up the keep then down 1000's more steps into the crypts to die holding his evil twin sister... how poetic and realistic!
Is that a raging fire below the Hound while he battles his evil golem-bro? Might they fall in predictably? Yup.
Castle defenses are useless and provide no protection and the scorpion bolts of King's Landing are nerf darts shot by storm troopers.
Facts don't matter in this show.
Character development has been abandoned.
Game of Thrones was hijacked.
This show became a turd.
It's not writer's block when you can't write.
Eat shit Hollywood. You've ruined a good thing once again with agendas subtly and purposefully placed in our media.
Social Engineering at it's worst. (best?)
Game of Turds.
Please list your own gripes and angrily mourn with me.
#got #writersblock #gameofturds #hijackedshow #socialengineering
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brainpod (57) 6 years ago