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RE: Game of Thrones Series Finale: 'The Iron Throne' Review

in #gameofthrones6 years ago

Yeah, considering the show, the finale was a bit too... mellow. And quite rushed too. But I have the feeling pleasing fans would have been very difficult, no matter how the finale went. I mean, they raised the bar so high with previous seasons, but most of it was merely leading here. Having all plotlines neatly ended has got to be disappointing no matter what.

Thanks for reading!


I am not so much disappointed with the plot. Arya killing the Night King, Daenerys burning the city, Jon killing her and Bran becoming king is all fine but as you say it felt rushed. I think if they had just kept the format of 10 episodes for season 7 and 8 it would have made a big difference, allowing them to set up the events a little better.

You are so right! 10 episodes would have been perfect. As it is, it was hard to really care about Jon's decision: his and Dany's romance was never built up. We got to see Bronn only three times this season, and never doing anything really worthwhile. Dany's period of 'madness' was ended too abruptly, and let's face it, the fact that the Unsullied kept Jon a prisoner knowing without a doubt he killed their queen is unfathomable.