Today I will tell you something about cricket game Cricket We play Cricket game is always popular in our country because in our country most everyone is playing with cricket and we love cricket more than we can not play every day once a week is cricket. More popular than football, we see every man playing cricket for no reason at all I wish I could play a little bit with the desire to play, but in my opinion, most of our people in Bangladesh love cricket and play. I understand from the bottom that every man needs a sport, whether small or big, no matter his age and boy. The reason why Abhay needs sports is because mental health is always good when he does sports so we boys want to play cricket. Larry tie plays more so we prefer this game when a man plays in any game he gets a lot of pleasure from and enjoy the stress that he has for a while he laughs his life for a while. Keeps well so as we have a good mind through this game, a lot of mental development develops Chu can learn the backbone of many of our mental development takes place, so I am all of our friends would say that we age Why is not he better than my own out of these things, if you feel good, then I will bless you, maybe something more to say will encourage.
You can see through the pictures of the cricket game I showed you today that everyone watching this game has a good laugh at it.
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