The 3rd birthday (Parasite eve 3)

in #gamer7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends, about 4 hours ago the internet service in my house disappeared because of the heavy rain that fell that forced the provider to cut the service while the rain stopped as there was nothing to do since I have a week off in my work I decided to play a time in my computer as I have several games I did not find to play after so much doubt which game to decide the choice was.

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The 3rd birthday (parasite eve 3)

This game has emotion from beginning to end this out of the classic Parasite Eve and its sequel were two of the most meaningful and loved games of Square Enix for PSOne, I remember when I played in my playstation 1 parasite eve but it was 10 years later that They released a new version for PSP and so I could enjoy a new adventure starring Aya Brea. However, the followers of the original must be clear from the beginning that this The 3rd Birthday is not a direct sequel to it and Parasite Eve 2, since from the beginning its creators have wanted to highlight the independent character of this adventure, which relegates a very second-order elements of the role genre to focus almost exclusively on the action.

Analysis of the game 

Some terrifying creatures called Twisted have invaded the island of Manhattan causing absolute chaos, but when nothing seemed to be able to stop this apocalypse, a government organization came up with a desperate plan to defeat this threat: use the skills of Aya Brea to travel to the past and can avoid this large-scale invasion by changing its present. In this way, The 3rd Brithday will give us the opportunity to visit different locations in Manhattan at different times, thus being able to know the origin and consequences of the Twisted threat. The problem? That this narrative bet can be confusing for many, especially because it has opted for a story that focuses more on the emotions and fragmented memories of an amnesiac Aya Brea, than for something more direct, which does not have to be negative , to be clear.

The important thing is that this argument gives rise to a game system that we liked a lot. And it is that when traveling to the past, the protagonist has acquired the possibility of transferring her consciousness to other bodies instantaneously, allowing her to escape from situations of high risk. Is a huge creature chasing us and we can not leave it behind no matter how hard we run? We move our mind to the body of the soldier who is escaping in the distance through a superior access. The Twisteds have managed to shoot us down and we're on our way to death? We will take hold of the soldier who is protected behind a barricade and leave behind the inert body that the enemies are destroying.

Some terrifying creatures called Twisted have invaded the island of Manhattan causing absolute chaos, but when nothing seemed to be able to stop this apocalypse, a government organization came up with a desperate plan to defeat this threat: use the skills of Aya Brea to travel to the past and can avoid this large-scale invasion by changing its present. In this way, The 3rd Brithday will give us the opportunity to visit different locations in Manhattan at different times, thus being able to know the origin and consequences of the Twisted threat. The problem? That this narrative bet can be confusing for many, especially because it has opted for a story that focuses more on the emotions and fragmented memories of an amnesiac Aya Brea, than for something more direct, which does not have to be negative , to be clear.

The important thing is that this argument gives rise to a game system that we liked a lot. And it is that when traveling to the past, the protagonist has acquired the possibility of transferring her consciousness to other bodies instantaneously, allowing her to escape from situations of high risk. Is a huge creature chasing us and we can not leave it behind no matter how hard we run? We move our mind to the body of the soldier who is escaping in the distance through a superior access. The Twisteds have managed to shoot us down and we're on our way to death? We will take hold of the soldier who is protected behind a barricade and leave behind the inert body that the enemies are destroying.



The arsenal of firearms results in this point more than acceptable, with all kinds of combat tools such as pistols, machine guns, rifles, shotguns, precision rifles or grenades that we can improve progressively with their use and with various accessories that we can acquire. Together with this system of improvements we find Aya Brea's own skill level, which will improve its statistics by eliminating enemies that cross the road. Each level rise will also allow us to use genetic improvements to alter the organism of the protagonist, enabling her even more for the battle. Thus, through an interesting genetic system we can apply DNA modifications based on Aya, to enhance aspects such as the ability to perform more damage with the Overdive, the option to load more frequently its final movement, the level of defense and attack, etc.

Attacking enemies with firearms will allow the protagonist to load an energy bar that, once at the maximum, will give her the necessary power to finish very easily with her opponents. And is that by releasing its internal energy, will instantly dodge all enemy attacks, while its firepower is increased significantly with the possibility of performing a super Overdive of the most harmful. The bad? That lasts very little, so we have to make the most of it.

In this case, we speak for example of certain Twisted that can attack us from blind spots, without having the possibility to see if we are causing them damage with our weapons -as they have a radius of action-. And the same happens when it seems inevitable to receive enemy attacks no matter how hard we run, dodge rolling on the ground, or cover us after a cover (which also break easily).

It should be noted the audiovisual display that is this The 3rd Birthday is a pleasure for the senses, not only because of the fantastic work at an artistic level that treasures the game, with production levels that resemble that of any great Hollywood movie (the cinematics are constant and tremendously spectacular), but also because the environments, enemies, animations, special effects and other elements are at a great height, thus becoming one of the great technical references of PSP. Take the example of how Aya Brea's clothes are destroyed as she suffers damage.

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The soundtrack also helps a lot to immerse in the intense shootings in which we will be involved, although this sometimes becomes something repetitive. The sound effects do not detract either, and without being spectacular, they perfectly fulfill their purpose. Of course, once again, it is missing that a game of this type comes to our country with the texts and voices in English, which will undoubtedly throw back the less skilled users in the language of Shakespeare.

With a lot of extras to unlock, a good number of files to read to understand the history of the Parasite Eve universe, and an adventure that can keep us stuck to PSP for more than ten hours, The 3rd Birthday is consolidated as a very good game of action and role that fans of the series will like, and that despite being playable almost completely from the original. Interesting additions such as the Overdive and the intensity of the combats, make every minute of the game a spectacle and a pleasure, but also some errors in its execution and a certain repetition of situations can turn these same battles into excessively frustrating fights.

To play this game I had to download a PSP emulator to my computer which works perfectly.

This is all for today I hope you enjoyed it and play The 3rd birthday to experience something exciting.

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