Recently, the GEM Developers Appointment accident has been absolute by the antecedent analysis that the gamers are added agog to assignment for any genre.
From that survey, it shows that the creators are added agog to assignment with Virtual Reality than Exx or Mobile.

That does not beggarly that the manufacturers are accomplishing a lot of assignment with VR or will not actualize amateur for mobile.
VR is an amazing platform, there is still a adventitious to appearance innovation. While the ascendancy of adaptable and the circumscribed amateur are accepting accepted afresh and again, there is still a adventitious to advertise article new in VR games.
Also manufacturers bidding absorption in alive with PCs, Playstations and Augmented Reality.
The bold developer appointment is set on March 18th. It will be apparent that some new games, creators' comments and game-playmaking There can be a new VR based gimmicks that can be apparent there.
Steemit will be in VR anytimes too i think so. Maybe 5-10 years left... And of course the whole web will be in VR anytime! Let´s see what the future brings to us. Thank you for upload! :)
Tnx u too for comment