Witcher 3 (PC game): first impressions

in #games7 years ago

I am going to get in trouble with some people because of this because I am well aware of the fact that this is rated as one of the best games ever made. However, I think the game is exceptionally slow at the start.


It's not that I don't like my games to be narrated by moody Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) or anything, i think the voice acting in this movie is fantastic. The problem I have with it (at least from the start of the game) is that between the intros and various cinematic displays I have been involved with this game for about 2 hours and 1.5 of that was spent with the controller sitting on my desk, waiting for the story to carry on.


Don't get me wrong, it is a fantastic story, but am I in the minority when I say that I don't want a cinematic sequence to interrupt the gameplay once every 8 minutes? I am sure this will change later in the game but for F**k's sake, I don't even remember what the controls do because the overall control of the game is taken away from me so often.

Ok. This is not going to be a review because I haven't seen near enough of the game and everyone raves about how awesome this game is. When I told my friend that I played this movie that has about 10 minutes of playable content in the first 1.5 hours called Witcher 3: Wild Hunt... he responded "yeah, it's a pretty story-heavy game, but stick with it... it's awesome."

Stick with it i shall. I am not trying to invoke the wrath of anyone out there and yes I realize that Witcher 3 is one of the highest rated games and to be honest i love the Skyrim feel to it. I will come back and redeem this game for sure. For now, i just wanted to say that I think they went a little bit overboard with the cinematic interludes that take place during the first part of the game. I hope that changes.


I know it's been said before but this is the best fucking game I have ever played in my entire life. This game has completely ruined all other games for me by leaving me with incredibly high expectations as to what games SHOULD be like. The story, the characters, even the soundtrack are fucking masterpieces. I wish I could erase it all from my memory just so I can experience it for the first time again.. because there's nothing else like it.

that's is great reassurance, and i will keep at it. at least the cutscenes are good and very well executed.


Have a lovely day

Best game ever. Stunning graphic quality and very adventurous game.

The game that's ruined video games for me. Every game I play I now compare it to TW3. Every score, every story, every character, every location, every side quest, every mini game, every trailer, every DLC, every voice acting performance. Whatever dethrones it as the greatest game around is going to be extremely special. Probably Cyperpunk 2077. Thank you, CDPR.....

This seems to be an interesting story heavy game, I will try to install and play it !

They might have a good reasons to produce the game that way. I will try to play it soon to get more details about this situation.

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Good graphics. but little bit blood shed too.

for me it's the same skyrim it's more fluid than witcher so skyrim it's much better XD

Love this game. Played through game and expansion dlc. One of the best games I've ever played.

I played nice game .. you can have fun