The Fractured Realms Part 9: A Revised Map

in #games6 years ago

I have now updated my previous map sketch, and it looks a lot more like what I have in mind. The scale is tentative, as I am not trying to draw an entire continent, but I do need a fairly large area for the region where the game begins.


Again, this was drawn with a pencil on a sheet of basic printer paper. I embellished it with colored pencil this time, though. I added some shading, traced rivers in blue, and used red for the Trade Road. I also added some rough hatching where I think I want significant forests. Dots indicate both major population centers and potential sites for ruins and quests.

Everything is still subject to change, but this is definite progress in the right direction. Please coment below with questions or suggestions!


Why in the world did spaceship-earth and keeperofall flag this? Are they just D&D haters or what?

@spaceship-earth apparently got flagged on her intro post, and seems to have taken offense at my unrelated flagging of porn spam. I have no idea what's up with @keeperofall.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment