I had not heard of Transport Tycoon but I did enjoy several versions of SimCity. Games I've played quite a bit over the years include Tetris, DOOM and EverQuest.
Tetris was simple but challenging. I'd get in trouble but leave one column open and then pray for "spike" that 4x1 block to show up so I could clear some rows!
DOOM blew my mind! The first 3D game (some say Wolfenstein was, I know) that really felt like you were in there. I can still feel the fear I felt when I turned a corner and came face to face with a demon. So easy to learn and so much immersion.
EverQuest amazed me when i saw how many other people were in the game at the same time I was. So much to learn and so many choices to make, to develop your character. It was nice to be able to help others in there, and chat with other players.
I may look into TDD at some point. Its nice that older games are still available!