Video games?

in #games9 years ago

Best video games?
Is this there such thing like the best video game.
Well definitely not if you think there is.You see the reason for this is there are many different types of people who play video games or they are also known as gamers if they play it to often.You see the reason for many different games is because if there was one type of game such as Call of Duty then not everyone will play because they may not be an action packed person,they might be a strategy type person there for team fortress will be better for them or clash of clans.This is why there is no best game.

A favorite game?
Well yes there is such a thing as a favorite game as more people in the world may like call of duty pushing its favoritism ratings through the roof.
If you took the time look at the charts,well then you would see the worlds favorite gmae but your favorite game could be anything.

A bad game?

Well,thats an impossible statement unless you invented a game in todays world that is just terrible.
But i mean look at sonic the hedge hog it is a brilliant game created in the 90s and it was still and is still a well played and favored game.
Street fighter is also a game made in the 90s and is good.
So it is close to impossible to say there is a bad game.

Hope this helps you all out there.


heh theres still a market for bad video games ;p but also what sucks to you could be quality game for someone else just my two cents

very true it is a very subjective thing.

there are plenty of BAD video games. They are the ones with bugs, functionality issues. Many are alphas or betas that never become polished enough for a final version, but have taken tons of money in for "development" An example is infestation (formerly WarZ) that never lived up to the hype it brought and much of its promises to players were not delivered. Another was DayZ, which still might be indevelopment? It originally came from an Arma 2 mod, which actually was better than the standalone game itself. Those are the games that are really terrible.

While there are a lot of bad alphas (many found on steam), there are plenty of great ones! ARK:survival evovled for example, was in alpha for almost two years before being finished, but the dev team continuously updated, fixed, and added content.. as they should be doing to make the game better. Another great game is PubG, mostly living up to expecatations.