Excellent comment. Thanks for your detailed reply. I hope you do make a post out of it. Clearly, you're free to stay in the shadows, but it's my hope those with the best ideas will risk more to stand up for those ideas and put themselves out there in order to help the systems they believe in and others using those systems. If only the people with poor ideas are the loudest, we may not see improvement at the breadth and speed we could otherwise.
I imagine your actions starting some very interesting discussions and, as you said, maybe some code changes in the future as well.
I hope you walk the line between being a bad actor in the system, something the community will rally against, and exploring vulnerabilities in an ethical way which (over the long term) benefits everyone.
Rest assured, I am very active behind the scenes. ;)
Now I want to know where the "scenes" are so I can peak behind them once in a while. Heheh. :)