Dead or Alive 6 Boob Physics Ruined: Team Ninja Cucked by Social Justice

in #games7 years ago

dead or alive 6 social justice ruined.jpg

Written by Otaku Apologist. Visit

25.8.0218 – Team Ninja joins a growing list of game developers to cave in to the demands of social justice crypto-communists. The enemies of western civilization scored another victory recently, when the newest Dead or Alive, a fighting game franchise known for its lascivious female characters, saw a major reduction to the female characters’ breast sizes and the jiggle physics. Multiple gaming websites are reporting video footage of this crime against free market principles. The happy, paying customers were once again silent, while an angry minority was aggressively advocating for the destruction of sexiness in a gaming franchise designed for a predominantly straight male audience.

See the video for lackluster 3D boobies in Dead or Alive 6.


I never cared much for jiggle physics truth to be told. I like DOA for the fighting system mostly. If they did that kind of thing for let's say, extreme volleyball, then I might be up in arms about it.

Also, I would say I'm left leaning, and I don't believe in the interference of SJW in entertainment. I prefer saving real social justice outrage for countries that actually need it.

Yeah, there's countries with serious shit going on, but when they happen to own your country's debt, nobody is allowed to criticize them.