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RE: [CLOSED] Bet Your Upvote Playing HighCard For Free and Win Hive- run #1288

in #games4 years ago

Games results:
@cpol lose, Ace of Clumbs vs Ace of Hearts -> Ace of Hearts
@tipy lose, Four of Clumbs vs Ten of Diamonds -> Ten of Diamonds
@koinbot win, Nine of Hearts vs Three of Hearts -> Nine of Hearts, around 0.08636092979710876 HBD
@rodyservi win, Queen of Clumbs vs Three of Diamonds -> Queen of Clumbs, around 0.000003820164186090349 HBD
@darksin87 win, Six of Clumbs vs Three of Spades -> Six of Clumbs, around 0.00003668388484037552 HBD
@trillina win, Queen of Spades vs Seven of Spades -> Queen of Spades, around 0.000012878530367723398 HBD
@txrose win, Ten of Hearts vs Eight of Diamonds -> Ten of Hearts, around 0.00026803588161646773 HBD
@vaipraonde lose, Ten of Diamonds vs Jack of Hearts -> Jack of Hearts