Ar.Lobby - Random Royal

in #games7 years ago

ughhh, what are you guys doing for the weekend?

no? you want me to talk about games again?

ok, Fine - Let's get started then,

it's a short one tho,



So, today I played a battle royale game, and you might be thinking:

- But Rahov, don't you hate those games?
- Why should we even care?
- Hey, I play battle royale as well, wanna team? (no)
- Why are you showing Cyberpunk 2077 then? (for the lols, and I like CDRed)

Calm, we're getting there.

Have any of you stopped to consider why people like playing batter royale?

Well, the answer is actually quite simple. People enjoy the atmosphere, tension, and most importantly the Thriller.

You see, when faced with 100 people for the first time, on a map with little to no knowledge of the geometry/dynamics, not to mention - the rules of the game, how can you not get excited about this upcoming experience. Honestly, the chances of you winning your first game are like 1:6000, and despite the stats, people continue playing for hours and hours on end.

Think about it, if someone were to give you a change of playing the role of Rambo, would you refuse? Of course not, it would be fucking awesome. Killing people left and right, mowing down waves with a car, or maybe a machine gun - whatever you prefer. And this is why a lot of kids play it; they like Rambo, JK, its because its a real life Thriller you have complete control over. Combined with a large map, you're practically granting an easy 100hrs of playtime of constant excitement. Continue adding some small changes, which we can call "content", and you're good to go for the next 2 years until someone breaks the formula again - the next League of Legends, Dota, Fortnite, WoW.

Funny, now when I think about it, I did like Rambo as a kid.