Crypto Space Commander: Things I have learned, most asked questions.

in #games7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone today I would like to go over things I have learned about CSC, from listening and asking questions in the discord channel.

One of the most asked questions is about vouchers. What are they and are they better than just buying a ship?

Vouchers will replicate any ship in its class, after launch. so for example someone finds a set of blueprints while out exploring and builds a rare ship. You could then with your voucher replicate his ship at no cost and instantly be the new owner of sweet new ride.


Prometheus Class Created by Reaper Industries G-Inc.

What are HardPoints?

Hardpoints are specific to weapons, utility beams, other non-passive items.

For example the Reaper Interceptor has 3 hardpoints so it can be equipped with up to 3 offensive weapons. Weapons can take up multiple slots and may need a specific pattern of hard points to equip it. But more on that when we know more.

Hardpoints are module slots and are counted towards your total available module slots. As an example the Reaper Interceptor has 6 module slots 3 of which are hard point slots and 3 of which are general modules slots.

What are Modules?

Modules are system upgrades and ship enhancements such as armor, shields and cargo buffs are types of modules and can fit into any module slot. Not a lot is known about the specific types of modules yet.

Is CSC a transaction per turn game?

No Cyrpto Space Commander is a live real time 3d game or more specifically a 2.5d, as it will be viewed from the top down. ETH transactions will only occur for instances where a player gains or loses game assets. Not a lot is known about PVE and PVP but this will happen in real time where builds and strategy will lead to wins and loot.

Note that this image is a early rendering.

Of course one of the most asked questions is: When will the game be released?

Well of course the game is not out yet. It is slated to be release in Q4 of 2018. I believe sometime in December. But don't fret there is a lot of super cool things in CSC to keep you busy until then. First starting on the May the 4th at 6:00PM PST the MEA event kicks off, which is resource gathering mini game. Then come June the game will move into the Alpha phase done on the test net, there will also be a Beta done on the main net in August, followed by the official launch later this year I think in December. (though this may be subject to some change, we all know sometimes hiccups just happen)

Ok and the last thing I really want to touch base on in this article is crafting. Lot of questions and information going on about this.

First lets start by stating that crafting in not like traditional MMO recipes in that as you level they are automatically discovered, recipes can only be discovered in a couple of fashions.


You can find a blueprint as a rare drop from a PVE encounter.


You can acquire multiple copies of the same item and deconstruct them.. progressing your knowledge some each time until you can craft it.


You can randomly try combinations to try and raise your knowledge in crafting something. Every time you try to craft something your skill in that item will raise a little. so to my knowledge there is not going to be a instance when you throw in some resources and on the first try with that combination you will get something out... so you will have to try the same "recipe" multiple times before you will know if it leads to anything or not.

There are going to be 22 resources to start so there will be tons of combinations and that doesn't even account for recipes that may need a "crafted item" in them.

To say the least crafting is going to be a huge driving force in this game and like in real life, there will be pioneers in the crafting field that will get notoriety for being the discoverer of new technologies.

Well that it for now steem universe.

I gained all this knowledge from the Discord and Telegram channels and I highly recommend checking them out if you would like to learn more about the game or the team making it.

You can find the Crypto Space Commander's website HERE
(Bonus tidbit the signup on the enlist section of the CSC website is just for referrals and has nothing to do with your ships or account. CSC is ran VIA Metamask )

Until next time, may RNG look upon you favorably and may you loot bags be over flowing.


let's visit each other's blog @ zuhrafriska

I definitively will, thank you very much for reading my piece.

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📈 7d

I did mention ETH, but CSC is an abbreviation for Crypto Space Commander... but thanks for the info.
