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RE: FF14 is dumb, don't play it

in #games6 years ago

Can you get a level boost in FF online? Many people have the same problem with World of Warcraft. They say you are just running errands for NPCs. Because of this, a lot of experienced players actually recommend that new players buy the latest expansion and get a level boost to 110. This allows new players to get in on what the old-school players consider to be "the fun part": raids, island expeditions, warfronts, etc.

I don't agree with this viewpoint because #1 it feels like cheating to me and #2 it looks to me like you skip a lot of interesting storyline if you do that. Still, I understand their point of view. I guess if I was so bored with the lower levels of WoW that I was thinking about quitting, I would get a character boost and skip it all.

Honestly though, this is why I play a MUD as my primary game. The whole idea of "run around and do errands for NPCs" is the basic model of MMOs. It's just the way they are. They have to make the game easy so they can have thousands of players and rake in cash. If they make it to where you might actually die or there might be a puzzle you can't solve, people will whine and quit the game and the company will go bankrupt after spending all that money on graphics.

The most popular MUDs have no more than 250 players online at the same time. But because they are so cheap to produce, they can concentrate on making the game fun for those 200+ players. They don't need to dumb the game down to get subscribers.

Still, I have found that playing AardwolfMUD as my only game just doesn't work for me. Sometimes I want to relax and play something easy. And sometimes I just want to hear music and enjoy walking around in a forest...or whatever. When I am in that kind of mood, walking around doing mindless errands for NPCs (like killing scorpions for scorpion venom so a nearby goblin can make poison and sell it, for example) is actually enjoyable.

The point is, you may want to consider either getting a level boost in FF (if there is such a thing) or else playing a more challenging, low-budget game.


if there are level boosts in FF i am unaware of them. I know they are so common in Guild Wars that they are pretty absurd. I think i have enough of them to level at least 10 new toons to max level immediately.

For me it isn't really even a question of "this is dumb to gain levels" so much as I don't really understand the point of it existing at all. There are tons of other ways to gain levels such as doing dungeons over and over (which is fun) but you can't access those dungeons until you go through the system of being granted access to them and hence, the NPC run-around.

I'll look into this MUD stuff as this is all a new thing for me. I am completely unaware of what it is.

Ahhh, if you decide to try AardwolfMUD, contact me from within the game. My character's name is Kristoff. I will be happy to answer whatever questions you have.