Myst Kickstarter Kicking Butt

in #games7 years ago

In case you did not know, Cyan is back with a Kickstarter bringing all seven Myst games together for the first time. Not only that, but there are some special Kickstarter backer only rewards available that make the price of entry awesome.


This is not just a cash run Kickstarter that is re-releasing some classic games that we have all played before. No, this Kickstarter is updating the classics for modern hardware, including the latest MacOS (a feat that required bringing in the pros at CodeWeavers) and Windows 10 (thanks to

Fans that get in on the Kickstarter can pick up a special Linking Book or Gehn’s Inkwell and Pen as special “feelies”.

Anyone old enough to remember when role-playing games, and sometimes other genres, would come packed with physical items like dice, miniatures, etc? I remember games coming with huge 80+ page tip guides and such, maps that were sometimes cloth, and more.

I miss those days.

Anyhow, back to the Myst 25th Anniversary Kickstarter.

Cyan have secured the rights to the games they did not create so they can make this collection available. Not only that, they have worked with the professionals of making old games run on modern games to further the exposure opportunity here.

Head over to Kickstarter to grab your feelies and prepare to get lost in the world of Myst again.


I hope they will make it available for Linux users! I loved Myst back in the day.

Unfortunately, right now there is no mention of a Linux version. Though, I figure with CodeWeavers having worked on the MacOS versions, and this seeing a Steam and release, Linux is going to be supported at some point somewhere.