I have been slow to the tablet adoption side of things. I have a Nextbook A8 Aries (nothing to write home about but what can you expect from a $35 tablet today?) but have yet to use it for much else other than writing articles and replying to comments here on Steemit.
iPad Pro is just too rich for my blood right now. They look great but that price.
It is pricey, I originally got it more for the creation side of things and it is really the drawing capabilities that justify the price tag. The joy of consuming content on it was an added bonus. It really was the first time I enjoyed ebooks and digital publications, even though I'd previously had a smaller iPad.
That is awesome, I was thinking you bought it mainly to read comics. I was thinking, your money but damn. lol
I know a lot of artists that swear by the iPad line of tablets, at least the bigger ones. If I had that type of talent I probably would have one too.