Roblox Changed their Logo.

in #games6 years ago

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This is a quite of an intresting fact. Last time roblox changed from the R to the Cheezit logo. Well Well well that logo seems pretty good!, After 2 years of that logo's veteran . Finally roblox turns it into silver. When i firstly opened roblox and saw that silver faded logo and i was like 'HOLY SH*T HOW DID THIS THING HAPPEN!?' .

I googled and searched on youtube finding videos that why did this happen, Well finally found one.

At September 9, Roblox changed their twitter logo to the silver one, it was a bit surprising to those who used twitter to see roblox etc. But at September 11, They changed their logo to SILVER To their website too!!! Many peoples made videos that roblox changed their logo, Peoples were afraid and telling END OF ROBLOX IS NEAR!. after September. October came. They changed it to BLACK . A whole black. People were also raged with that logo, they wanted the old red logo back. In November , They changed it to white.. Yes white 😂a fun fact. People were Absurd! with the roblox changing and changing . From than people finally gave up caring about the old Beloved Roblox Logo.