Spec Ops: The line Steam copy giveaway

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

I am giving away a free copy of this game. It is currently $29.99 on the Steam marketplace. I end up with a bunch of extra game keys from humble bundles and whatnot, so I thought I would give them away on here. I hope that's okay! Anyways, you don't have to do anything special to win this. Just comment below giving me the reason why you think you should have it and i'll pick a winner later on today and get ahold of them on here to send the key to. Good luck guys! If this isn't allowed, please let me know and don't downvote me!



I only heard good thinks about this game and would really love to play it.

Well, so far you seem to be the only one interested. So you're winning at the moment :)

Well, I guess you've won! Post a link to your steam and i'll send you the cdkey in the message @soldrakon