Alien: Isolation
When I was about 11 years old, I saw my first Alien movie, so I have a very long and traumatic personal history with this series.
I remember it pretty vividly, it was somewhere close to Christmas and my parents had rented Alien 3 from the video store. They were entertaining friends that evening and I, being bored decided to watch the movie all alone in our upstairs bedroom. Everything was going great until about twenty minutes in, where it suddenly took a very dark turn. There was a scary alien creature, a cross between the hand from the Addams Family and a spider. This thing attached itself to a very cute dog and then proceeded to implant something inside the dog, a little while later what ever had growing inside that poor animal burst out killing it. This is when my seemingly wonderful evening and all those happy nights of peacefully sleeping ended.
The creature had become the scariest thing in my world as a little boy, I recalled waking up in the middle of the night in cold sweats, scared to death that it was coming to get me. This eventually turned me into a huge fan of the series when I got older, and each time I watched it was a way to relive that fear and emotion you felt as a child. Obviously as an adult you would never be as scared as that kid was, watching Alien all alone.

The year is 2137, fifteen years after the disappearance of the Nostromo spacecraft, Amanda Ripley is approached by the Weyland corporation to investigate the the discovery of the Nostromo's flight recorder.
Amanda who is the daughter of Ellen Ripley, the protagonist of the Alien series, sets out to a remote space station deep in unknown space. The group arrives at the space station to find it heavily damaged and its communications offline. The only option now is to board this massive station in hopes of finding out what has happened here.
Once on board the almost deserted space station, things go from bad to worse, Ripley eventually finds the flight recorder with no data and also learns that a deadly alien creature has made it's way on board. This seems to be the reason that everything has gone haywire and why there is almost not a soul in sight. Ripley now has to explore this huge creepy space station to get to the bottom of what is going on, as well as find out what has happened to her mother.

Right from the moment you pop the game in and hit start, you get greeted with that very nostalgic broken-tracking-on-the-VCR visual effects in the opening.
I was literally transported back in time to my 11 year old self, lying on the bed with a pillow over my head, scared for my life. This was to date the best Alien game I have played, and one of the highlights that really stood out in this game was the overall sound score and sound design. You need to play this in a dark room, alone and with the music all the way up, the clue is in the name. The sound truly makes this game haunting, from your echoed steps in the long metal passages to the way Ripley starts to breathe when she gets scared. The hand held motion scanner really does not help to make things things more comfortable, it actually does just the opposite. When any movement is detected the scanner starting pinging more frequently the closer that something gets to you, and it gets pretty stressful.
I really loved that they took their sweet time to introduce the Alien, for the most part the developers kept toying with my emotions, with scenes where you are deadly sure it's going to happen, but then just nothing. Once the Alien Xenomorph does start stalking you through the creepy dark space station the game take on a complete different style. This is where you become the hunted and every second of this is absolutely stressful. You are going to die, and you are going to die a lot, just make peace with that.

"Final report of the vessel Prometheus. The ship and her entire crew are gone. If you're receiving this transmission, make no attempt to come to its point of origin. There is only death here now, and I'm leaving it behind. It is New Year's Day, the year of our Lord, 2094. My name is Elisabeth Shaw, last survivor of the Prometheus. And I am still searching." - Elizabeth Shaw

Alien Isolation is, in my opinion, the best Alien game to date. This is exactly how an action horror game should be, and it perfectly captures all that is everything we have come to love about Alien.
There were a few things that eventually got under my skin, this was one of the first games where I was wishing for it to end. My reason for this is, once you get more than halfway through the game, it ends up becoming rinse and repeat with the Xenomorph encounters. The frequency of being hunted by this unstoppable enemy starts to dilute the scariness of the experience around the end of the game.
The game has a survival mode game that places you in different scenarios where you need to get the high score, but after the endurance session of trying to kill this monster at the end of the game, I didn't even bother to try this. One really great feature was that you could plug in your PlayStation camera, and using the built in microphone, the game would then pick up on the noise levels in the area you are playing. Any loud sounds would attract the alien to your position, this as you can imagine did not last long. Any time @princessmewmew would come talk to me, or my phone getting notifications, I would be killed by the Alien, so this was more of just a gimmick.

Alien Isolation is a survival horror game developed by the company Creative Assembly, who have been more of a strategy style game developer, and has made games like the Total War series and one or two sports games.
I'm personally not very familiar with any of their titles, they did however do a fantastic job on this game, and completely encompassed everything that Alien was all about. The game was published by Sega, who need no introduction and the title is available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and as well as Windows. Alien is not the newest of games, it was released in November 2014, and I was lucky enough to pick it up for next to nothing on the PlayStation store.
I give Alien Isolation 2 a fearful 7/10.

In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock
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Stress and anxiety!!! souls forced to abstain. This is a game where you simply can not get rid of your hunter.
Advancing, waiting, hiding and rebelling, these are the actions that summed up this sensational survival horror.
However rest assured, the Alien is not the only threat of the game ... just like humans. Fan of the franchise, throw yourself on it.
The smallest square meter was pumped on the only "Eighth Passenger" and it's great, since the atmosphere is scary.
Personally, I was seized by the guts during my first confrontation with the creature and made me want more. However, the gameplay is not always enjoyable and you can see yourself very quickly frustrated at not having succeeded the mission, after yet another failed attempt.
For those looking for an unseen undercover experience, this is it!
Yeah it felt rather long winded close to the end, almost lost a controller due to the frustration.
I really loved playing Alien Isolation, a real moment of pure pleasure. One of the best games of this year, I think. After the disappointment of Colonial Marines, Isolation dates back to 2000% the quality of the Alien series in video games.
The atmosphere is just perfect. We are immersed as in the film.
The graphics / scenery very satisfactory. The retro side is there. Fan service present and decorations absolvers not redundant.
The scenario is very interesting, I was pretty scared at the beginning of the quality of this one but it largely convinced me over the course of history.
The life time when it is perfect. See a long can! (I laugh we can not complain)
The sounds at the top. There could be no Alien it would be just as flip! Big -2pts on the note for fr dubbing poor quality.
AI when it is moderately satisfactory. -1pts. The fact that it is unpredictable corrects the thing but humans and the Alien can sometimes be really stupid. Even in the highest difficulty level!
In short, a game to have if you are looking for a good survival horror and even more if you are a fan of the saga, you can not miss out on this jewel!
What’s an awesome comment, thank you sir, much appreciated that you took the time. Yes this was an edge of your seat kinda game.
Thank you for your precious answer
Though I am not in gaming but as you shared your experience with your first Alien movie.. I just wana share mine a little. My first Alien movie was a local Bollywood movie from India namely " Koi Mil Gaya". The movie has turned into super hero series now. That was the first national movie in our country based on Aliens. In that movie, the spaceship of Aliens lands and due to some reasons, they forget to take one member back with them. Then that alien finds an abnormal charactered Guy who is 20 years old but has a brain of 4 year kid. The alien was called "jaadu" (in English) MaGic. He had superpower only when he could face the sunlight... I narrated this only to mention that all local kids during those days used to come out during sunlight and they would scream "jaadu"/ (Magic) hoping that we all too could get superpowers. This is the fascination related with the outer world. Though we haven't seen them, we have little fear about them and more than that a lot of excitement too.. Sorry Sir but I am not a gaming guy :)
Wow. The graphics on this look absolutely amazing. The characters almost look real and the clips feel rel. I love the look of the Alien. I think its great that they are tying in all aspects of the series. We are huge fans of the Alien series in our house. We have enjoyed how the movies have taken us on a journey and then back in time to the origins of the story. The time I have available for gaming these days is very limited but my son is an avid gamer and I can totally see him loving this game. He has enjoyed our Aliem marathon weekends for years. I can totally seeing myself getting right in there and playing as well. The game should be popular as I can see a real nostalgic effect to it. The best part is that the story has been continued on in a way that both young and old have become big fans. I'm looking forward to trying this out!!! Thanks for sharing. I had no idea this was coming.
personally my best game of 2017... the tension feels so real
"reco you got news for me... I need more time ripley ... i dont have more time"
Love the Aliens series! Sad I havent gotten into this game yet. Been sucked into Fallout 4 to much to play anything else! This is next up on my list!
The tension was insane, at times I would turn the lights on just to de-stress.
Hi steemin it's very nice and honey . I hope you spent a good time here .. This a better place to enjoy your time . your introduction is good and you look best . plz upvoting and comment me
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Not it’s not anything like your referral link
nice post
over all that is good blog
i appreciate that
the game project is also good
keep it up
you're a gamers?
I like it
Oke, this my acount.
Games look so lifelike! We've come a long way from the original Castle Wolfenstein and Doom!
look like it will be amazing game..
wanna try it!!
Whoa! Looks great, can't wait to try it!
I loved when you mentioned in your review:
“The creature had become the scariest thing in my world as a little boy, I recalled waking up in the middle of the night in cold sweats, scared to death that it was coming to get me.”
Perhaps because it reminded me my childhood when I watched the movie! I had the same nightmares, but at the same time I loved the movie. Because of this experience, playing the game must be pretty enjoyable.
You review of “Alien: Isolation” is great.
Based on your review I can say that it really captures the tension and claustrophobia of the Alien movie. Your look at the gameplay mechanics are spot on. And to me it seem like the game is kind of pretty complex & tough.
Great review though!
Must say, your article was really good, I appreciate your writing technique. Really loved reading the post. And I am just addicted to this game, it's one of my all time favorite games.
Remember take little breaks in between playing, and if you find yourself selling things like clothes your furniture for games it’s probably safe you should take to someone. Addiction is no laughing matter, even gaming.
my favorite games
God this made me so stoked to play this game! Daamn. I find it super frustrating that I dont have a game console. I always play these type of games at my brothers house. Always keeping him up to date on what he should buy ofcourse hahah.
It's insane how game developers can get you in that peak state of excitement. Lots of games are so realistic also it almost looks like a movie and with the cinametic parts in it gives that extra attachment to the game.
Truly amazed by these games. I really hope to play this game in the near future! Thanks for the update!
so good its wierd as fuck how pretty much every reviewer exept for angry joe got there scores wrong. This game is an easy 8/10 or 9/10. Personally i think if your an alien fan with some patience this would be amost a 10/10
Spackeck Ittee "Diffrent from my opinion"
I bet you are a Darksouls fan as well... I was contemplating between either 7 or 8 for a while and just couldn’t go higher. I’m probably still in pain from the last Star Wars movie 😔
Haha... You won the rape bet. It's definitely the last movie. I hope Lucas film will increase the quality even further.
I will never forget being about the same age and watching that opening screen of the first Alien movie at the theater. Everyone knew we were in for a great experience.
What an enjoyable series it has been to watch over the years.
Great topic @adsactly
I don't play video games but I might just have
to buy this for my son on law just to watch him get eaten over and over.....lol
Hi steemin it's very nice and honey . I hope you spent a good time here .. This a better place to enjoy your time . your introduction is good and you look best . plz upvoting and comment me... its highly incredible
Oh look spam, low rep probably means you do this very often.
Hi steemin it's very nice and honey . I hope you spent a good time here .. This a better place to enjoy your time . your introduction is good and you look best . plz upvoting and comment
Bravo good jop
bak ta kalon nan sang awak aceh. Saleum meuturi aduen. Follback beuh.
Yes you can buy in pretty much anywhere games are sold 😂
the film is electrifying but at the same time very subjective and more from the vision of a small child that can even leave traces in us even after adults. even so it does not stop liking its content.
One day, I will play this game. All this high end games that I can't play because I don't have a good PC, I will play them all.
Wow. So loving the alien isolation already. I think I'll go check it out ASAP. I need to have this kind of feeling as well. Powerful review
Very interesting movie game ....i really cant getvmy eyes off this post because feel like relaxing my mode of entertainment on this adventural alien movie game ...nice one i must say
I would be very cautious if you were say reading this post and driving, I would recommend taking your eye off it, purely for safety reasons.
Nice game
i play this game
enjoythis game
Good game but even better review deff interested in buying keep doing more reviews thanks .followed and resteemed
That game looks great!
I enjoy this gaming..... and i appreciate this blog. resteemit
I finished this game and it was amazing. Everyone should try !
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Awww thanks for saying this post is better than all the rest.
Very interesting post.
really good post,game
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One should always be wearing when the rep goes below 25, the reason that happens could be because of comments like this, best not ask for upvotes.
very good story i am very interested time read it...
thanks for sharing
wow nice rivew.game is a good exercise.i like in every game...
very nice blog about game.
thanks for sharing..
wow great review !!!! I still can remember how my mother scared hell out of me telling about aliens when i am not eating ma food and skipping meals..this is a great one!!!!!
Wow your moms is a pretty badass, thanks for commenting
Pls @adsactly is this game available for andriod device? Pls tell me it is...😍😍😍
Not unfortunately not, don’t think it would be able to handle the sheer terror
So after seeing all these reviews, pictures and description, after arousing my interest that i felt i was going to own the action. After all that, no game for me. Wow, how heart breaking😢😢😢
wowo nice one love it
Really this game was good
I enjoying this game
i always well detailed review from your Posts. keep up the good work. thumbs up
please in folow
Folks on this platform frown upon asking for follows.
That game looks great 😍😍
Alien isolation is the best Alien game today sure, but if there is another one let someone comment.
No there is not another best Alien game, this is pretty much it.
that is crazy horror games :D
This game is really interesting.I enjoy it.
Wanna see the movie now :D
🎕 great & exuberant!
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💖 remarkable & exuberant!
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I think that this is the best aliens game to date. The only complaint would be that it could have had a little more action in it other than hiding from the alien. If they were to combine Alien Isolation with Colonial Marines it would be awesome. Also, they have a decent VR mod for this game for those interested.
My thoughts exactly, the constant hiding became a bit tedious. I wouldn't play the VR if you paid me, no one needs that much stress in their life.