ADSactly Game Review - Dying Light

in #gaming6 years ago

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Dying Light

I think everyone has at some point had the hypothetical discussion about what would happen if a zombie outbreak ever were to happened.

There are basically only two schools of thought when it comes to what could happen, and I have to some degree planned it out in the back of my head if this would ever go down. First thing is you need to know what to look out for, keeping an eye on the news for any strange happenings, especially to do with people biting over people. This kind of apocalyptic event will probably start somewhere like in Europe or America, as they always do. Seeing as I don't live there, the only way for the virus to get here is either by tourists traveling by air or sea, so if there is any strange news about stuff like this happening at the airport, you know things are about to get real.

The other major problem is, there is going to be either one or two kinds of zombies, the walking dead kind, which are the slow moving ones and these could be dealt with pretty easily as long keep your distance and don't get caught in a crowd of them. The second kind is going to be the problem, that would be the 28 Days or World War Z kind of zombies, the fast running, crazy, animal like zombies. This is what you really don't want, this game unfortunately has both kinds.

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Our story begins in the fictional city of Harran, where some mysterious viral outbreak has turned the majority of the population into hyper-aggressive zombie-like creatures.

The government's defense ministry has no other choice but to quarantine the entire city, leaving the unfortunate survivors to fend for themselves, that is until a rescue mission can be formulated. The Global Relief Effort or GRE as they are known, assists survivors who are trapped in the city by regularly airdropping supplies of food, medicine and weapons. The GRE hires our protaginist, Kyle Crane to infiltrate the city of Harran in order to retrieve rather sensitive data stolen from them by Kadir Suleiman, which he is using as leverage to blackmail the GRE, with the threat of publicizing it if anything were to happen to him. Kyle is then airdropped into the city, where he is ambushed by a gang of hostile bandits who are raiding one of the supply airdrops. At the same time both Kyle and the bandits are attacked by the infected, Kyle is bitten and infected with the virus, but he is rescued by Jade and Amir.

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Kyle wakes up some hours later in one of the huge apartment buildings, which has been converted into a base that is now a survivor sanctuary called the Tower.

When he comes round, he is introduced to Jade's brother who explains that he has been infected and has been given Antizin, a drug that suppresses symptoms of infection and slows down the process of turning. The only problem is that the drug is in very short supply and the only way to get more is from the GRE supply drops, which the other faction also need very desperately. The Tower makes use of runners, who make a dash for the drops as soon as the planes are visible in the skies, due to his life being on the line Kyle volunteers as a runner to get to the next drop.

He sets out and manages to reach an airdrop containing the drug, but despite the dire need of the medicine by the survivors, Kyle is instructed by the GRE to destroy the airdrop, and to then reach out to the leader of the opposite faction, Rais in order to buy the drug and also possibly confirm his identity. The GRE suspects that Rais might actually be Suleiman, the man they are searching for and this course of action would be the best way to infiltrate the group, and get his hands on the data.

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"The imposing of ones will, the creation of ones own rules. That is what makes a man. Do you live by your own rules Crane? Or are you merely someone else's puppet. " - Kadir 'Rais' Sulaiman

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Dying Light is a massive struggle right from the beginning, my advice is to not try and be a hero.

When you start your character is very much still a rookie at taking on the infected hordes, so steer clear of mobs, take them on one at a time or rather just run away. You will get better at fighting as you progress in the game and you will be able to craft weapons that cause more devastating damage later on, just be sure to pick up anything and everything. Salvage is your friend as well as all you have and I promise you will need all of if the further you get. The game looks great and the environment is pretty sunning, the city is not just some abandoned wasteland, it really does feel alive and lived in, even if it is mostly the undead.

I really enjoyed the campaign, which took around forty hours to complete and there are side quests for days. The pace of the game gradually increases as you progress, combat along with the running and climbing gets more intense and much faster as you go. I have purposefully saved the best part about this game for last, there is a really great night and day cycle which is very important. One thing you really don't want to do is get caught outside when it gets dark in this game, there are seriously badass monster that come out at night.

The game has an really great co-op feature where you or someone else can be the monster that comes in the dark. You can either be the hunter or the hunted by joining someone's game and hunting them down, or you are the one hunted and need to get to safety before they get you, or be like John Mcclane and take down the monster.

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Dying Light is an open world first person survival horror action-adventure video game, what a mouthful right, and is developed by Techland.

These are the good people who brought you Dead Island and the western Call of Juarez, to name but a few, but they have been making games since the year 2001 and they're pretty good at it. The game was officially released back in January 2015 and for Microsoft Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. They did plan on releasing it on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but was later cancelled due to hardware limitations on these older consoles. The game was actually the best-selling title of January 2015 and broke the record for the first month sales for a new survival horror game. There has also been some great add on content which was available for DLC download.

Dying Light gets a very well deserved rating of 8.5/10

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In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.


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Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ADSactly

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In this game I was able to play quite a bit. However, even during a short period of the game, I had certain impressions. The first thing to note is the atmosphere and background of the game. In fact, the background creates the necessary level of the atmosphere, it is really sinister. The second thing that should be noted is the possibility of conducting combat. Everything is very realistic and looks natural. A large selection of improvised weapons for damage and murder. It is also interesting that the weapon has the property to wear out, be repaired and improved. It's really cool!
It is also worth highlighting the theme of overcoming obstacles in the form of enemies. It is very convenient. Sometimes without it you just can not go any further. Parkour perfectly saves the situation and helps to circumvent a large number of opponents. Sometimes zombies simply can overcome you with numerical superiority.
In general, the game leaves a good impression. It's worth it to spend your free time on it! Thanks for the excellent review!

Dying Light is a big mix of Dead Island, Mirror's Edge and Far Cry 3, also with little bits of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Assassin's Creed.Everything does not breathe originality, but this mix has never been done, and above all it is terribly effective.
Already technically, the title is very nice, well optimized, stable, there is nothing wrong.
The gameplay is very nice and varied. As for Dead Island there is a strong melee component, but here the fighting is much more nervous, the feeling is much better.
The atmosphere is great, especially at night. The first lawsuits with raptors are quite memorable. In this game the day / night cycle is not there just for the weather and has a huge impact on gameplay, atmosphere and difficulty.
The missions are on the whole very good. The main plot is classic and predictable but it remains correct and is rather well told with cutscenes that have the good taste to stay in subjective view and in-engine (with additional filters). The missions themselves are good and varied.
The interface is generally well thought out, even if I find the HUD a little overloaded (fortunately we can modder the game very easily as for Dead Island) and inventory a little boring to manage when you have a ton of d objects and that you have to scroll with the mouse wheel.
Techland has finally achieved an excellent game, having done so many correct FPS for years.

This game was such a sleeper hit. Dead Island was ok but got very tedious along the way. This game was much more engrossing. As another commenter mentioned earlier it also has some free running comparisons to Mirrors Edge. Again though this game was so much better. Mirrors Edge Catalyst was such a chore to play. I am hoping they continue on with this franchise. And if they do I'm glad they are leaving a few years in between them. Annualized games are killing the creativity from some of the top studios. Take Rockstar or Blizzard as examples of the kind of companies who never do annualized stuff. Never rush games to make release windows. That is likely why they are so creative and innovative.

This game is a solid 9.5 with single player alone. It's been my most anticipated game of 2015 and beyond for a very long time now, and not only did it not disappoint, but it went above and beyond what I expected. It broke the trend of gaming let downs in a fantastic way and it's one of the few open world games where it's actually still fun to go back and roam around, even after you've beaten it. A definite must get and my second favorite game of all time (next to far cry 3).

Yeah it is a kickass game, looking forward to the second one coming soon, I hope they develop the comabat system a lot more, loads of people say it's way too much like Dead Island.

I'm not really a big fan of Zombie games I think its been an oversaturated concept in gaming and even the resident evil franchise hasn't been as attractive as it used to so I wasn't really amped going into dying light but I got it for a steal so I gave it a shot.

While the graphics are good and the storyline is decent I have to say that the gameplay could have used a little more improvement. First off, and most importantly to me, the weapons...will only last up to around 10 hits to a zombie.

This makes me beg the question of what the point even is then. Along with that the zombies are unreasonably difficult to kill, even with weapons and with full health. Along with this is the fact that the weapon can still physically be in your hands and can still swing and look like you're actually doing damage to a zombie, but it in fact will not, which still begs the question of what's the point. This is supposed to be a survival game but how am i supposed to survive?

Dying light may seem like a fairly realistic zombie game might not understand that a metal bat, in fact, does not need more "metal pieces" to "fix it". Same thing applies to a weapon such as a rebar. The game is just trying to be realistic to the point where it's not.

It is not the best zombie game by a long shot, there are several games that feature zombies and are much better however Dying Light is the best game available when the sole purpose is to kill zombies.

This game is a keeper for sure. I bought it for $25usd on Amazon a month ago and the amount of content this game delivers is massive.tDQTU1eLhyaA0.gif

Could not agree more, there is just so much to do in this game, well worth the cash money!!

Honestly honestly this game was one of the shittiest zombies games ever...its basically the same as dead rising 3...but gayer...u start off with pipes and wrenches...seriously who wants to fight zombies with wrenches ....i got mad bcus i was tryna secure a safezone and it took me so long to clear the area and then it turns out i do...i turn on the power and it still not secure im like holy shiat so i stopped playing it and im returning it now

Hahaha thanks for that, you gave me a great laugh. Sorry you didn't dig it, yeah it is a bit shitting in the beginning but it gets better as you progress. Not everyone's cup of tea...

This is one of the few greatly executed reviews by ign. He didnt compare it to mirror's edge parkour because of course that game has superior parkour, it was made specifically for that. Or say its dead island 2.0 just because it has some of the same combat elements and crafting. Its the same studio who made dead island plus the crafting, inventory, and skill ranks were all excellent in dead island so why change it? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I haven't had this much fun in a game(by myself and with friends) in awhile.

I think they were probably trying to launch a new franchise, but ended up using many similar elements.

That's a great game and I will want to play this game my dear friend and gaming is my favorite passion and activities actually this game is very nice and this is my favorite one..

@adsactly community is a great community just very good process and good work to do in this steemit..

I wish that this community improve fluently and
To focus this steemit..
So keep it up and carry on your activities..
So we wait for your next post..

Wow amazing game to provide in this platform..
So I happy now to see this game and you provide and review this game fluently..and @adsactly this community just a great community and this game enjoy this all people and I appreciate your post and we will support your community for all time.
So go buddy go..@adsactly..

A good Survival Horror, the atmosphere is great, the characters are nice, the graphics are very beautiful, the weapons and the enemies are terrible. The scenario is good but too simple, I think it's a story found in a lot of Zombie history (An epidemic that strikes a city, an organization that sends an agent to find a cure, a guy who fires a lead and who wants to use the remedy to play with the feet of all the world, etc) but otherwise it remains a very good game.

WOW! Great game brother. This game video is awesome. Well blog write @adsactly

good review , Dying light is really a good game, other reviewwes just play the game quickly and give a shit review on this amazing game, they just underestimate the game so much, i am glad that ign reviewer really take time to truely play this game and give a great review on Dying light.

You should try fortnite game

What is this game that everyone wants to play and whoever sees it becomes very happy...!☺️

Bro is you playing fortnite If yes then good but if not then you should try because it is awesome game 😊

@adsactly this game's review is amazing and the game is totally lovable

...hypothetical discussion about what would happen if a zombie outbreak ever were to happened.

Hypothetically? Yes! Realistically? No! I wonder where these Zombies thing originated from. Is it human creation? Perhaps someone’s dreams. I guess that’s it, it’s a human creation from dream which doesn’t have limits 😆! But I’m talking about walking dead kind, now the one with virus.
When it comes to “Dying Light” game, watching the game’s trailer I could obviously see it has amazing graphics and I like the way of using the weapons. The killing is a bit artificial.

Kyle is bitten and infected with the virus, but he is rescued by Jade and Amir.

I like the way you get motivated to fight for Kyle’s life. Even though he was infected, there is still chance to slow down the transition. I can imagine if this game came in VR.

One thing you really don't want to do is get caught outside when it gets dark...

Will keep that in mind 😆 if I get a chance to play this game. Overall not bad rating 8.5/10! I wonder how great the game has to be to get 10/10 rating.

wow, awesome game and very exciting even though the game is very horror, still I am very interested to see this game and I really like the game, good luck always @adsactly, please follow me because you are a successful person in this steemit, please support him, and I've joined in your discord.

Many nice posts Sir. Your post is not much many beautiful your post is no more posts you can post very well to learn from your post I try to learn something new, Thomans you have many many wishes to my side

It's an ok game but the zombie genre needs a break. There have to be some monsters out there besides zombies and vampires. Maybe they should use werewolf or sea monsters for some new content, I mean mix it up a little ya know!?

i have been playing this game since 2017 and it never bores me
I have played both of its modes in higher quality graphics
What i love the most is when i'm outside the safezones and need to pick up some new items for sale and the clock is tiking becuase its going to be night after 6
Man this is something loveable
i've played this game like crazy

My friend finally convinced me to but this game, at first I wasn't all that impressed but after playing it and getting into the story some more instead of just goofing off with my friend...
( which happened a lot...and I mean a lot 90% of the time or more)
the game became actually pretty fun and entertaining especially as stated by another post on here, when you add a friend and some Randoms in a online co-op game it is actually a pretty fun game, if I had the choice would I buy it brand new for 60 usd? No I would not but for under 30$ its really not that bad of a pickup and you can defiantly get quite a few hours of fun play time out of it before you will probably go to something else, especially if you have a friend or 2. Thank you for posting and sharing with us, until next time :)

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

I'm with you on the multiplayer, not so much single player, as I definitely enjoyed that a fair bit more. That's probably because I had some rather crappy experience with waiting times to join multiplayer matches. It was awesome when it worked though.