Hello Steemian ...! Glad to see you again all the Steemians ...! how are you all, I hope all of you are fine, Amiin ...! Come back with me @agoesdeuge. Who always smile to make writing that you can understand for newly dive in Game Dota 2. May be useful for beginners in the Game. On this occasion I will discuss hero hard support, which is where he always play safe and see the conditions to mencul on the lane surface. Hero I mean is Disruptor.
Disruptor is a hero with excellent gank and chasing ability. Complementing it, he also has the ability of team fight and crowd control is quite strong. Instead, he has bad stats growth and no burst damage. Even so, it can still be a very effective support. And has a type of attack (renged) which is often positioned hero support, the hero is always there for the Hard carry inside a team. that's called hero support. Well now we will see what are the disadvantages and disadvantages of this Disruptor hero.
Having the advantage of the movement to change the atmosphere becomes complicated for the enemy area, your enemies will be confused to find selah to attack your team, with a circular skill that makes enemy team can not move in the forbidden area.
Having a shortage in terms of HP is a little easy to kill by the enemy, especially the enemy Hero Carry certainly eyeing you quickly.
About Hero Disruptor
Raised man as a slave where he lived, until finally he ran and met the same sangGrom Hellscream, from there he finally knew if he came from the Frostwolf clan. He ventured into the village of his ancestor, where he practiced sorcery from the witch, the often-called Orc. Until finally he became the ruler of lightning, and joined the Scourge for revenge to humans. who already made orcs as slaves in the area. Let's see what Roles is owned by the hero Disruptor.
- Support
- Nuker
- Disabler
- Initiator
Biography Hero Disruptor
This thrall is not the Hero Troll, but he is from the Orc nation. Orcs are legendary beings who have been widely told by people all over the world, depicted them as tall as human beings, but sometimes like the giant nicknamed. Their skin is green (in DOTA Warcraft Thrall color ijo), his face is plain like a Pig, and a Monkey, or a monster that has long fangs. They are known to be very virulent and evil, Elf and human enemies.
Well little I understand from Biography owned by the hero Disruptor, and now I will take you deeper to explain and understand about this hero. Well now I will explain the Skill and Abilities owned by Hero Disruptor, let's check below.
Thunder Strike
A skill that produces a lightning ball above your enemy's head, and produces strike damage whenever it explodes.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Radius: 240
- Strikes: 4
- Strike Interval: 2
- Strike Damage : 100 in level max
- Cooldown Skill: 9 seconds in level max
- Mana: 130
Skill that can move the enemy to the last place on the ground, and can also to restore the enemy when running away near you, then he will akn back berdeketan with you.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Heroes
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Cast Range: 1800 in level max
- Cooldown Skill: 18 Seconds
- Mana: 100
- Kinetic Field
Kinetic Field
Skill that produces an impenetrable circle on foot but with items, such as blink dagger, or BKB that can break through with no constraints at all.
- Ability: Point Target
- Pierces Spell: No
- Radius: 340
- Formation Delay: 1.2
- Duration: 4.4 in level max
- Cooldown skill: 10 seconds in level max
- Mana: 70
Static Storm
The ultimate skill that keeps the enemy trapped inside the silence that will not do anything, let alone the combo with skill 3 that makes a circle that will not get out of the circle.
- Ability: Point Target
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Radius: 450
- Pulses: 20
- Max Damage per second: 300 in level max
- Duration: 5
- Scepter Duration: 7
- Scepter pulses: 28
- Cooldown Skill: 70 seconds
- Mana: 225
Skill and Abilities Hero Disruptor that I have described above, hopefully to read the Steemian will understand the function and ability of Hero Disruptor, then I will explain more fully using the Video below.
Now I will take you deeper to build Hero Disruptor items that are very useful for your team.
Starting Items:
- Animal Courier.
- Observer Ward.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
- Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
- Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
Core Items (support):
- Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
- Urn of Shadows, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, Cooldown Skill: 7 Seconds.
- Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
- Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
Utility Items:
- Observer Ward.
- Sentry Ward.
- Dust of Appearance, Use: Reveal, Cooldown items: 30 Seconds.
- Gem of Treu Sight, Passive: true sight.
- Smoke of Deceit, Use: Disguise, Cooldown Item: 1 Seconds.
Situational Items:
- Infused Raindrops, +0.5 Mana Regeneration, Passive : Magical Damage Block, Cooldown Item : 7 Seconds.
- Ghost Scepter, +5 All Attributes, Active: Ghost Form, Cooldown Item: 20 Seconds.
- Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20 seconds, Range: 1000, Duration: 16 seconds.
- Meteor Hammer, +12 Strength, +12 Intelligence, +4 HP Regeneration, +1.5 Mana Regeneration, Active: Meteor Hammer, Mana: 125, Cooldown Items: 28 Seconds.
- Rod of Atos, +20 Intelligence, +15 Strength, +6 Agility, Active: Cripple, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 16 Seconds.
Extension Items:
- Boots Of Travel, +100 Movement Speed, Active: Teleport, Mana needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 45 Seconds.
- Spirit Vessel, +250 Healt, +30 Movement Speed, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, cooldown items: 7 Seconds.
- Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, +15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds.
- Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +40 Thunder Strike Damage
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +150 Cast Range
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +180 Gold/Min
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : -10s Glimpse Cooldown
Game Play Hero Disruptor
You really need the level to be able to contribute well. Therefore, stay on the lane and help your carry hero at some initial level. If you bring Clarity, you can do with the Thunder Strike. Note also the position of your enemy. If you feel your opponent is out of position, you can kill him with the help of Glimpse and Kinetic Field. Just make sure you have a team mate who is doing damage.
If you feel you have enough level (level three or four), consider your options. If you feel the lane you are in need of help, stay on the lane or have your team mate kill the opponent's hero on the lane. If you feel the lane you are occupying does not need help, do another rotation and gank lane.
This is all I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, See you at the next hero.
REGARDS GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
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Hello Steemian...! Senang bisa bertemu lagi dengan anda semua para Steemian...! apa kabar kalian semua, saya harap kalian semua dalam keadaan baik-baik saja, Amiin...! Kembali lagi bersama saya @agoesdeuge. Yang selalu tersenyum untuk membuat tulisan yang bisa anda pahami bagi yang baru terjun dalam Game Dota 2. Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang pemula didalam Game tersebut. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas hero hard support, yang dimana ia selalu main aman dan melihat kondisi untuk mencul dipermukaan lane. Hero yang saya maksud adalah Disruptor.
Disruptor adalah hero dengan kemampuan gank dan chasing yang sangat bagus. Melengkapi itu, ia juga punya kemampuan team fight serta crowd control yang cukup kuat. Sebagai gantinya, ia punya stats growth yang buruk serta tidak punya burst damage. Meskipun begitu, ia tetap bisa menjadi support yang sangat efektif. Dan memiliki type attack (renged) yang sering diposisikan hero support, hero yang selalu ada untuk Hard carry didalam sebuat team. itu lah disebut hero support. Nah sekarang kita akan lihat apa saja kekurangan dan kelebihan dari hero Disruptor ini.
Memiliki kelebihan dari pergerakan untuk mengubah suasana menjadi rumit untuk area musuh, musuh anda akan kebingungan untuk mencari selah untuk menyerang team anda, dengan memiliki skill lingkaran yang membuat team musuh tidak bisa bergerak di area terlarang tersebut.
Memiliki kekurangan dari segi HP yang sedikit mudah sekali dibunuh oleh musuh, terutama Hero Carry musuh pasti mengincar anda dengan cepat.
About Hero Disruptor
Dibesarkan manusia sebagai budak dimana ia tinggal, sampai akhirnya dia melarikan dan ketemu sama sangGrom Hellscream, dari situ dia akhirnya tau kalo dia berasal dari klan Frostwolf. Dia berkelana ke desa leluhurnya itu, disanalah dia berlatih ilmu sihir dari penyihir, Orc yang sering disebut. Sampai akhirnya dia jadi sang penguasa petir, dan bergabung ke Scourge untuk balas dendam ke manusia. yg udah jadikan Orc sebagai budak di daerah tersebut. Mari kita lihat apa saja Roles yang dimiliki oleh hero Disruptor.
- Support
- Nuker
- Disabler
- Initiator
Biography Hero Disruptor
Thrall ini bukan Hero Troll, tapi dia dari bangsa sang Orc. Orc adalah makhluk legendaris yg sudah banyak di ceritakan oleh rakyat di seluruh dunia, digambarkan mereka itu badannya tinggi besar seperti manusia, tapi kadang-kadang seperti raksasa yang dijulukan. Kulit mereka warna hijau(in DOTA Warcraft Thrall warna ijo), mukanya biasa seperti Babi, dan Kera, atau monster yang mempunyai taring panjangnya . Mereka ini dikenal sangat ganas dan jahat, musuh Elf dan manusia.
Baik sedikit yang saya mengerti dari biografi yang dimiliki oleh hero Disruptor, dan sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk menjelaskan dan memahami tentang hero ini. Nah sekarang saya akan menjelaskan Skill dan Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh Hero Disruptor, ayo cek di bawah ini.
Thunder Strike
Skill yang menghasilkan bola petir diatas kepala musuh anda, dan menghasilkan strike damage saat setiap meledaknya bola tersebut.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Units
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Yes
- Radius: 240
- Strikes: 4
- Strike Interval: 2
- Strike Damage : 100 in level max
- Cooldown Skill: 9 seconds in level max
- Mana: 130
Skill yang bisa memindahkan musuh ketempat terakhir di berpijak, dan bisa juga untuk mengembalikan musuh saat kabur di dekat anda, maka dia akn kembali berdeketan dengan anda.
- Ability: Unit Target
- Affects: Enemy Heroes
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Cast Range: 1800 in level max
- Cooldown Skill: 18 Seconds
- Mana: 100
Kinetic Field
Skill yang menghasilkan lingkaran yang tidak bisa ditembus dengan berjalan kaki namun dengan item, seperti blink dagger, atau BKB yang bisa tembus tampa kendala sama sekali.
- Ability: Point Target
- Pierces Spell: No
- Radius: 340
- Formation Delay: 1.2
- Duration: 4.4 in level max
- Cooldown skill: 10 seconds in level max
- Mana: 70
Static Storm
Skill ultimate yang membuat musuh terperangkap didalam silence yang tidak akan bisa berbuat apa-apa, apalagi terkena combo dengan skill 3 yang membuat lingkaran yang tidak akan bisa keluar dari lingkaran tersebut.
- Ability: Point Target
- Damage Type: Magical
- Pierces Spell: No
- Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
- Radius: 450
- Pulses: 20
- Max Damage per second: 300 in level max
- Duration: 5
- Scepter Duration: 7
- Scepter pulses: 28
- Cooldown Skill: 70 seconds
- Mana: 225
Skill dan Kemampuan Hero Disruptor yang telah saya jelaskan di atas, semoga untuk membaca para Steemian ini akan mengerti fungsi dan kemampuan Hero Disruptor, maka saya akan menjelaskan lebih lengkap lagi menggunakan Video dibawah ini.
Sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk membangun item Hero Disruptor yang sangat berguna untuk tim Anda.
Starting Items:
- Animal Courier.
- Observer Ward.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
- Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.
- Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
- Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
Core Items (support):
- Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
- Urn of Shadows, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, Cooldown Skill: 7 Seconds.
- Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
- Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
Utility Items:
- Observer Ward.
- Sentry Ward.
- Dust of Appearance, Use: Reveal, Cooldown items: 30 Seconds.
- Gem of Treu Sight, Passive: true sight.
- Smoke of Deceit, Use: Disguise, Cooldown Item: 1 Seconds.
Situational Items:
- Infused Raindrops, +0.5 Mana Regeneration, Passive : Magical Damage Block, Cooldown Item : 7 Seconds.
- Ghost Scepter, +5 All Attributes, Active: Ghost Form, Cooldown Item: 20 Seconds.
- Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20 seconds, Range: 1000, Duration: 16 seconds.
- Meteor Hammer, +12 Strength, +12 Intelligence, +4 HP Regeneration, +1.5 Mana Regeneration, Active: Meteor Hammer, Mana: 125, Cooldown Items: 28 Seconds.
- Rod of Atos, +20 Intelligence, +15 Strength, +6 Agility, Active: Cripple, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 16 Seconds.
Extension Items:
- Boots Of Travel, +100 Movement Speed, Active: Teleport, Mana needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 45 Seconds.
- Spirit Vessel, +250 Healt, +30 Movement Speed, +1 Mana Regeneration, +2 All Attributes, +2 Armor, Active: Soul Release, cooldown items: 7 Seconds.
- Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, +15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
- Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds.
- Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
- Level 10 Skill talent tree : +40 Thunder Strike Damage
- Level 15 Skill talent tree : +150 Cast Range
- Level 20 Skill talent tree : +180 Gold/Min
- Level 25 Skill talent tree : -10s Glimpse Cooldown
Game Play Hero Disruptor
Anda sangat membutuhkan level agar bisa berkontribusi dengan baik. Karena itu, tinggallah di lane dan membantu hero carry anda di beberapa level awal. Jika anda membawa Clarity, anda bisa melakukan harass dengan Thunder Strike. Perhatikan juga posisi musuh anda. Jika kamu merasa lawan out of position, anda bisa membunuhnya dengan bantuan Glimpse dan Kinetic Field. Cukup pastikan anda punya rekan setim yang memberikan damage.
Jika anda merasa sudah punya level yang cukup (level tiga atau empat), pertimbangkan opsi kamu. Jika anda merasa lane yang anda tempati masih membutuhkan bantuan, tinggal di lane tersebut atau minta rekan setimmu membunuh hero lawan di lane tersebut. Jika anda merasa lane yang anda tempati tidak memerlukan bantuan, lakukan rotasi dan gank lane lain.
Inilah yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya minta maaf, sampai jumpa di hero berikutnya.
SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge
Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2
Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2
Follow @agoesdeuge for next post about Dota 2
nice post bro :)
Disruptor controller is very useful for self defense
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